Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [coord] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 As I see him sitting there now , sheltered under a derelict building 's covered way , one which has been empty for a tedious never-ending era , with an unchangeable lifestyle , erected for nothing but with such a prospect for life , if used properly .
2 ( b ) Money paid to a person in a public or quasi-public position to obtain the performance by him of a duty which he is bound to perform for nothing or for less than the sum demanded by him is recoverable to the extent that he is not entitled to it .
3 For them and for some of the new workers of the industrial revolution in the Midlands and North , the acts brought an era of " secret unionism " .
4 If they were to live in peace it was necessary , he said , that the Indians should have a country set apart for them and in that country they must stay .
5 The Soviet Union considered the essence of their proposals as an attempt to resolve the problems and differences in relations between the ASEAN and Indo-Chinese states ‘ by means of a direct dialogue between them and without any outside interference ’ .
6 You 'd be stupid to go across the stepping stones if you did n't have the power to jump from one to the other , pretty big , but the , so are the distances between them and at that time of the year the river was pretty high too and r rather boisterous , so it would n't be very pleasant if you had fallen in , but you 've got to have that but you 've also got to have stamina as you said , but it would n't have been any fun if you 'd got halfway across and your stamina had run out , then fire brigade called out , the fire brigade or something .
7 In the end it was n't just for me but for those I wanted to share my life with .
8 It would be difficult for me or for any other minister to have to defend leaving things unchanged in these other areas if the affect of having done so was subsequently to lead to a case of fraud in an investment firm , building society or insurance company which the existence of the duty would have helped to prevent .
9 For me and for many , a personal relationship with Jesus started on a Venture ( they were called ‘ camps ’ in my day ! ) and attending and serving on a venture were valuable stepping stones towards greater Christian maturity .
10 ‘ In one way they are excited for me and in another they do n't want me to go , ’ he said .
11 We tend to take plants for granted , seeing them as just another aspect of the environment and failing to appreciate the vital service which they perform both for ourselves and for all other living creatures on this planet .
12 Our limited ambition can , therefore , only be to sustain a reasonable quality of life for ourselves and for those animals that serve us .
13 Even now , disabled people find themselves in hospital because it is the only place that will look after them and for that reason alone .
14 Let us give thanks for our homes and for our families , for the people who care for us and look after us and for all the comforts we enjoy .
15 Except the life has gone out of me and in some curious way I hardly care . ’
16 ‘ I make men out of them and for that I 'm at fault .
17 The audience gave a great cheer , recognizing that the actors were making fun of them and of each other .
18 However , subject to the Note below , we will pay to our clients the equivalent of such damages as they would be entitled to receive under English law in an English court for any personal injury to the client including illness or death , caused by the negligence , as understood in English law , of the servants or agents of ourselves or of any of our suppliers contracted or sub-contracted by us to provide any part of the arrangements for your holiday as described in this brochure , or excursions as described above , except for air or sea transportation arrangements for which separate conditions apply ( see 8 opposite ) .
19 7.1 You shall indemnify us against all loss , actions , costs , claims , demands , expenses and liabilities whatsoever ( if any ) which we may incur either at common law or by statute in respect of personal injury to or the death of any person or in respect of any loss or destruction of or damage to property ( other than as a result of any default or neglect of ourselves or of any person for whom we are responsible ) which shall have occurred in connection with any work executed by you against this Order or shall be alleged to be attributable to some defect in the goods .
20 This order is given on the condition that ( without prejudice to the generality of Condition 7.1 ) you will indemnify us against all loss , actions , costs , claims , demands , expenses and liabilities whatsoever ( if any ) which we may incur either at common law or by statute ( other than as a result of any default or neglect of ourselves or of any person for whom we are responsible ) in respect of personal injury to , or the death of , any such employees , agents , sub-contractors or other representative while on our premises whether or not such persons are ( at the time when such personal injury or deaths are caused ) acting in the course of their employment .
21 He wanted to know what had happened , wanted to understand the dynamics of the situation and to store it away as part of his constantly changing , growing understanding of himself and of those around him .
22 For example , the two competing public interests in employment cases are : ( a ) a person should be held to his promise ; and ( b ) every person should be free to exercise his skill and experience to the best advantage of himself and of those who may want to employ him ( see Lord Atkinson in Morris ( Herbert ) v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 ) .
23 On the hearing of the appeal the court ordered that there be no identification of W. , any institution or establishment where she was residing or being educated and any natural person having or prospectively having day to day care of her or of any material calculated to lead to her identification .
24 She put up her hands in a gesture reminiscent of the one which she had made in the attic , when she had been still fearful of him and of all men , but the gesture was as much for Havvie as for him .
25 He eventually got the hang of it but to this day , keeps well clear of water .
26 It is a conception that might not be true of it , or all of it , and which might cease to be true of it or of all of it .
27 This means that first , they lead to unforeseeable results , and second , that the internal structure of social objects contains ‘ the double negation of themselves and of each constituent part by the other ’ ( II , 22 ) .
28 Through our interpreter , Christine , he said , ‘ I used to have many more mementoes from my naval career , but the British ’ — he seemed to speak not of us but of some distant tribe — ‘ looted them . ’
29 He was just saying : Tweed is somewhere ahead of us but in this fog — Then he let out the most chilling yell — Ahhhhhhh — and the link went blank . ’
30 • Is the clock the same in all of us and at all stages of our lives ? • What do we know about the clock itself — where is it , what influences it , and how does it work ? • What is the usefulness of such a clock ?
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