Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But he and , after his death , his sister were genuinely attached to Joyce , through whom they had contributed to Mosley 's organisation as a bulwark against Communism .
2 She had given the instruction herself , saying she could not bear to see the person who had been the instrument through whom she had heard such infamous news .
3 Gertrude Stein , too , wrote in her book on Picasso : ‘ Upon his return from Gosol he became acquainted with Matisse through whom he came to know African sculpture . ’
4 This is important because you reach judgements and conclusions about everyone you meet based , first and foremost , on these observations of their behaviour .
5 I 'm not bothered about them you 've got tre you can go in the countryside and see that you 've got trees at well a lot of us have got them outside our own houses .
6 Happily for everyone he has put down anchor
7 This is a response to the conviction of two forensic medical examiners of the manslaughter of a prisoner for whom they had prescribed methadone .
8 Some satisfaction , let it be conceded ; and it will certainly be true that most voters will find that a candidate for whom they have expressed some preference will have been elected .
9 Where George Eliot tends simply to employ terms from painting in the description of her great houses , Henry James , for whom they have retreated a stage further , actually presents them in the two dimensions of paint .
10 You may have a new group for whom you have to work out a syllabus , or you may want to check to see whether a revision session is necessary or not .
11 Produce your passport and at least two documents to prove that you are worthy to search for the Stone : press-cuttings , letters from people for whom you have performed daring tasks , or other documents .
12 Never ‘ bad mouth ’ any company or person for whom you have worked .
13 You must be responsible for a reasonable standard of behaviour by yourself and by those for whom you have booked .
14 ‘ Do n't worry , Matey , ’ he said to her , leaving the room of many memories , putting his arms about her , seeing with new eyes how old she had grown , and that he was all she had , the last of the many children for whom she had cared in a long life of selfless service .
15 Gary , for whom she appeared to feel something , received her full attention on her rare visits , together with expensive gifts and sweets .
16 At first I had suggested that I should keep her company but she dismissed the idea at once : ‘ I am not a child , and I refuse to be treated as one ’ , and I guessed she wanted to be alone rather as a young girl might who sets out to post an imaginary letter , hoping to meet on the way the person for whom she has made herself beautiful .
17 The person for whom I had left the message replied that he was sorry to hear of the death of our mutual friend .
18 It was when we had settled down to talk in comfortable armchairs that I told him that the man for whom I had substituted at Marlborough , in the hope of replacing him altogether , now planned to return , so that once more I should be out of a job .
19 But anyway there was so many people and one chap who he he was , as a matter of fact , he was organizer with Communist Party for whom I 've got the very greatest respect , the very greatest respect .
20 We stand to England in a different relationship since John 's day , and no prisoner for whom I have offered ransom can vanish now without an account being demanded .
21 Despite Mozart 's unkind comments on the failing vocal powers of the ageing Mannheim tenor Raaff , some instinct had warned him to keep on friendly terms with the singer , for whom he had written an aria on the way back from Paris .
22 In Prague , Mozart also reacquainted himself with old friends , including Count Thun , in whose house he and Constanze stayed , and the Dušeks — František , a respected composer and teacher , and his wife Josepha , an old Salzburg friend of Wolfgang 's and a fine singer for whom he had written several concert arias .
23 The international deaf community , for whom he had compiled a dictionary of international sign language ( Gestuno ) , was also deeply affected by Hayhurst 's sudden death .
24 Cook was thus greatly distressed and bewildered to learn that the New Zealand Maori , for whom he had developed a respectful admiration , ate their defeated enemies without compunction !
25 It was the same mentality that led him into the folie de grandeur of thinking that , having been a champion driver , he was also fitted to run a motor-racing team — indeed , to think that he was better fitted to do so than those for whom he had worked and driven .
26 " I never believed such stupidity could exist , " the Collector said to McNab , for whom he had come to entertain a great respect .
27 He had lost half his command , and failed of winning back Harry for whom he had come .
28 One such group was the disabled community for whom he had set up the Prince of Wales Advisory Group on Disability .
29 The prosecution said it was a tragic case ; a brilliant academic who 'd killed his quiet , middle-aged parents , for whom he 'd developed a consuming and irrational hatred .
30 Tonight 's with the Scottish Early Music Consort , for whom he has written Lament : Autumn Wind , which blends medieval western instruments with those of ancient China .
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