Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I reckon all Thrush Green knows about them tubes of yours .
2 Read had not been particularly interested in my political book ( which I had submitted to him in fulfilment of the option clause in my contract with Routledge , so I got together some more representative pieces and sent them to Eliot , no least because he had published my article on ‘ Philosophy and Politics ’ in The Criterion , and because I had again spoken about my plans at our first meeting after the war .
3 He said nothing to me about my fears for my sanity and behaved as if what we were doing were a common exercise , undertaken for purely scientific purposes .
4 It 's difficult to explain , but I know I 've been doing some thinking about my obligations to my parents , about where I 'm coming from and where I 'm going .
5 Since the manufacturers of ‘ Summer 's Eve ’ have complained to you about my comments on their product , I thought I 'd copy to you this letter sent to their PR representative when she sent me literature and samples .
6 I might have felt a little downcast at that point , only the evening had made me feel more encouraged about my prospects with her than I 'd felt for some time .
7 I will be running a tighter ship , and I will be speaking to each of you personally about my expectations of you .
8 Hold I 've got ta my words on you go go on could n't tell anything else about it , I said yeah it had an orange on and he said , you got the lea oh course
9 Faldo thrust both forearms forward and insisted : ‘ I have blood running through my veins like everyone else .
10 ( thanking me for my congratulations on her beautiful master-piece ) : ‘ It is hopeless the way life has to change , and become less than life .
11 The exhilaration of not having to account for my movements to my parents went to my head .
12 ‘ I 'm sure we will find many uses for my skills upon our journey , ’ Cleo said .
13 Between my arguments for him and young Richard 's against , I doubt not that Hubert will get his way . ’
14 There had never been any doubt in her mind that she would look after her parents in their old age : they had given up a lot for her , she said , and that was how she could repay them .
15 ‘ I was looking after her chickens for her until she came home , ’ Liam had cried in the chapel .
16 Her popularity and success — within the limits of an expanding middle class — was in part due to the numerous engravings she herself made , or that were made after her paintings with their moving subject matter drawn from Roman sources and from the history and literature of medieval and Renaissance Europe .
17 When , after his assaults on her , she begs to be allowed to leave , her instinctive feeling for him makes her provide him with some hope of her return , or at least of their future communication .
18 ‘ But if you wish to retire ca n't you find some other member of your family to look after your nieces for you ? ’
19 Your executor is the person who looks after your affairs after your death and is responsible for carrying out the wishes in your will , including arranging your funeral .
20 I looked after Papa all that time you went off with Arkwright , and I 've tried to look after your children for you now .
21 Because she knew she swelled and paled , in the grip of her look , she smiled even more and then invited them to start talking about their plans for their future home , which they did at once , and ceased to notice her .
22 Salim reads about their doings in his magazines of popular science , and letting Ferdinand into the secret of his interest , he feels he is revealing his ‘ true self ’ .
23 Barefoot men jogged past , close-packed about their leaders on their colourfully bedecked , trippling mules ; groups of horsemen , mostly Galla , cantered past or were engulfed among yet more men on foot .
24 Relocation allowances for existing staff should not be reviewed as bonuses but as compensatory payments which enable employees to make decisions about their futures within their companies without worrying about financial pressures .
25 Very nice to be able to step out of used underwear and know it would be laundered and returned to its drawer pressed and scented , even better never to have to worry about clearing a table or washing up , but nevertheless there was something vaguely disconcerting about maids who went silently , sneakily about their duties under her very nose .
26 Think about their implications for you and for your partner .
27 Now , perhaps because I 've had a baby , friends talk to me about sex , or about their relationships with their boyfriends , where before they would n't .
28 Because of his fame , his history and his continued presence in the sport , as well as the strength of his personality , Emerson remained a figure ; but also the shadows lengthened about him and few who worked with him in those years have much good to say about their relationships with him or with his team .
29 She learned about their ancestors from him , and how they came to Ireland and built Riverstown .
30 Lawyers are also more familiar with the Commissioner and are more frequently pointing clients with complaints about their unions in her direction .
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