Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think a part of me probably died when I took your job , though it may have been just the settling-down thing .
2 Both of them also help when the store is busy , which includes lunch hour between twelve and two o'clock .
3 ‘ A few of them actually ASKED if I would mind having the clothes ripped off my back .
4 In 1970 there was only $7 billion-worth of high-yield bonds outstanding , most of them originally issued as top-notch debt but later downgraded by rating agencies and the market .
5 Links with Hull and its river industries brought prosperous merchants to live in their Manors and Halls , some of which still exist as residences , or such as Willerby Old Manor , now converted into flats .
6 He , Ratagan and Isay were wandering the fortress and taking in the holiday atmosphere for want of something else to do before the feast began .
7 It was surely significant that this year several members of he public asked if thy could join in .
8 But you 'll get a clearer idea of what exactly happened when you watch the post-mortem .
9 I could n't think of anything else to do except get out .
10 Merlyn said : ‘ None of us really know whether it 's heroin or not .
11 The skin beneath them gradually swells until eventually the eggs are seated in little sockets and he carries them until they hatch .
12 Then the whole 12.30 thing began like it always had since I was small .
13 He had felt it the greatest lunacy to dispatch men to crowded city parishes with nothing more sustaining than goodwill , a knowledge of the learned tongues and an unrefined familiarity with the Bible .
14 They 're in plenty enough trouble as it is over this deal . ’
15 The anger in him slowly dissipated as questions raced through his mind .
16 ‘ We are hoping to hear from him soon to see if there is money available to support us .
17 She foraged in it immediately to see if her young supporter had been able to smuggle through a twist of tobacco .
18 When conditions are hot , horses can lose a lot of sweat without you even knowing because it evaporates so quickly .
19 I am writing to you now to ask if you would provide me with a list of your affiliated clubs .
20 Fleeting images of Ace masterfully entering her room , of him delightfully forcing his attentions on her slowly died as she finally made herself ready for bed .
21 But there was nowhere else for him to go and anyway he had , one night , two years before , made a promise to stay on until his old friend the female golden eagle ‘ went free ’ , which to him really meant until she died .
22 ‘ Whatever you belong to it always hurts when you 're kicked out .
23 In terms of natural discourse interpretation , Dooling 's sentence context condition is much closer to what normally occurs than is the word context condition .
24 Once the teaching unit has reached the stage of a draft computer program which does what the designer intends , together with associated notes which describe what the program offers and its possible uses in the classroom , we need to consider in more detail how to collect essential information as to what actually happens when the unit is used .
25 And so what he 's trying to do is to as Andrea says erm uncover the truth , get to the , get to what really happened as it were , under the layers of myth and distortion could have been introduced in the Bible story , and as I said if you read the book erm and it is quite fascinating in many ways , it is a bit like a detective story because what Freud does is he tries to get to the truth by analyzing the , the actual texts and the texts contains discrepancies and anybody who 's ever tried to erm edit a book , learns this to their cost actually , but er you find no matter how carefully you change things , there 's usually things you miss , little discrepancies that give away how it was the first time and er Freud 's view is this , this has happened very much to the Bible , it 's been so heavily edited and re-written and later the the various editings show and if you read it very critically , you can begin to see perhaps the underlying pattern er coming through and erm just as you can tell for instance by reading Genesis , that it 's a of two accounts because there are two stories , the first story is Chapter One of Genesis , then in Chapter Three or something there 's a second story repeats it with variations .
26 But Uncle Philip bathed in the tub as often as once or twice a week ; he seemed to exercise some occult authority over the geyser , for it never erupted when he lit it .
27 5 Now think about what actually happens as your group starts its life on the island sometimes things go well ; sometimes not so well .
28 A progress background can teach you a lot about what really happens if you 're aiming to be an account executive .
29 He stopped , realizing what he was doing , and looked at her carefully to see if she had taken it in .
30 People who were infected by them immediately became as men possessed ad out of their minds .
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