Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Female science students may make the girls think again about their decision not to continue with science .
2 Sometimes an emigrant would advertise in the newspaper in Madeira for a suitable wife , marry her by proxy and pay for her passage out to join him when he could afford it .
3 Instead , the debate here focused on the bonuses Charlton 's players will receive for getting to Italy ( £25,000 per man ) and the Sports Minister 's public criticism of Irish television for their decision not to screen the other tie in Group Six , between Hungary and Spain .
4 The results of this tour , so far as the ladies of the party were concerned , tended to confirm all my previous impressions of their valour and vigour , and also to the strengthening of my determination never to undertake or propose any arrangement from which the ladies must of course be excluded .
5 It is no part of my duty now to give any thought to the making of my own soul or the righting of what I have done wrong .
6 I would wear extra layers of clothing and pull the sleeves of my sweater down to hide my white , numbed fingers .
7 She moved her own hand towards her neck only to have it seized by Rune 's .
8 Many were reportedly angered by the Amir 's decision to restore the National Council despite their request not to do so at a meeting on May 28 between opposition leaders and government ministers .
9 Oh no it was a usual thing you know , anybody 'd go out of their way then to help .
10 It is for broadcasting authorities to determine what constitutes the appropriate degree of impartiality , and they must not lose sight of their obligation not to include in their programmes matter which is likely to encourage or incite crime or be offensive to public feeling .
11 They notified the applicant of their decision not to appeal by letter dated 23 November 1990 .
12 And when we say , or the A N C and democratic organizations say , that you need a five percent vote to cross the hurdle to get in to the assembly and then you , you , you 're a member of their parliament so to say and then what do we hear ?
13 His ‘ Wares had left their billets and accomplished the first part of the plan , leaving some of their number behind to allay suspicions .
14 Most claimants at the time of their appeal will be too troubled and hassled by the more practical day to day problems of their plight ever to have the emotional energy to study the nuts and bolts of the machinery by which their appeal will be processed .
15 We have a lot of people prepared to give of their time voluntarily to help young people get the kind of training they require and to help them find jobs .
16 But she had n't needed this reminder of their time together to bring back other , painful recollections .
17 ‘ Irrespective of its ability either to discourage certain forms of behaviour , or to bring offenders to justice , the law should delineate and prohibit behaviour which is socially abhorrent .
18 DESPITE its cost-cutting and job reduction programmes , British Petroleum went out of its way yesterday to keep shareholders happy at the group 's annual meeting .
19 I recently took my beloved Washburn EA30 out of its case only to find that , somewhere between a local theatre and home , I 'd managed to lose one of the plastic slide covers from the EQ ; a tiny thing , I know , but unless you 're Superman , totally unnoticeable from more than a foot away .
20 This Coal Industry Bill must be one of the shortest of its sort ever to come before Parliament .
21 According to Dr D.W.F. James , the then Director of the Polytechnic of Wales , the government 's decision was a reflection of its desire not to rock the boat and was connected with arguments about the Welsh language , arguments which had already saved Bangor Normal College from merging with the University College of North Wales so that it could develop as a Welsh medium teacher-training college .
22 Directive , the court holding that in such a case the member state is obliged to make good damage suffered by individuals as a result of its failure so to do .
23 Blanche was still suspicious of her decision not to tell earlier of the quarrel with her father on the night of his death .
24 She had spent a lifetime obeying the rule of her childhood never to give way to her feelings in public , and like many .
25 The pictures of her life yet to come were as vivid , and yet she could see no meaning in them .
26 It was a good hit , and she had to use all of her concentration not to go down .
27 I thought she 'd just popped out of her house like to have her hair done .
28 It was on the tip of her tongue then to ask if he had managed to dispatch the papers to whoever they were destined for , but she held back the question before it got uttered .
29 She sat with her back against the log and busily set about finding the Thermos of water with hands that shook so much that it took every ounce of her control not to spill a drop of the precious liquid as she raised the cup to her lips .
30 Brazil 's undertaking ( despite its decision not to join the ATPC as a full member ) to control wildcat mining at its Bom Futuro mine was expected to reduce production by cutting the mine 's output from 19,000 tonnes in 1990 to 14,000 tonnes in 1991 .
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