Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun prp] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A spokesman for the DTI acknowledged that the department had been broadly aware of the situation at Leyland-DAF in September but insisted that news of the receivership had still come as a surprise .
2 Last night , a spokesman for the IDA said that the talks with Digital 's president and chief executive , Robert Palmer , had been constructive .
3 A spokesman for the PFLP confirmed that one Palestinian was killed and five wounded when 16 rockets were fired at the base .
4 The authoritative review of the theoretical and empirical literature from a number of countries conducted by Godfrey for the OECD concluded that all the various methods used to measure the incentive/disincentive effects ‘ indicate that taxation does not have a large and significant effect in the total supply of work effort and that , in particular , the net effect on the labour supply of male family heads is likely to be very small ’ .
5 A spokesperson for the DoE said that because of the large number of people who use the park , they had no plans at present to lock it .
6 BT 's registration statement for the US showed that ‘ net income ’ and ‘ shareholders ’ equity' under UK generally accepted accounting principles ( Gaap ) were each double the US Gaap figures and retained earnings were three times the US Gaap equivalent .
7 A spokesman for the CAA explained that James Luna , who expressed hopes in his address to the conference that the current sensitivity to American Indian issues was more than 1990s chic , had been selected ‘ to tie in with the quincentennial ’ .
8 This may perhaps have corresponded to the last creation of the world , for the Maya believed that the world had been created and destroyed several times .
9 A spokesman for the Clydesdale confirmed that the bank had made an error somewhere and had not processed the tape .
10 The nomes stood in horrified admiration as the Stationeri explained that yes , Abbot Gurder had been right : when they left the Store they had taken Arnold Bros ( est. 1905 ) with them inside their heads .
11 He did n't smile as the Shermans approached but waited with his left hand resting on the hilt of his ceremonial sword , his aloof expression suggesting that he estimated the dignity of his person to be at least equal to that of the fabled hero of France looking down from the wall behind him .
12 Further north , between the Cannington thrust and the Variscan Front , is a zone of folded but apparently quite unmetamorphosed ranks represented prominently at outcrop by the Carboniferous Limestone .
13 The directors Jim Johnston and Sandy Moffat are to stay on after the Deanses agreed that an independent chairman be appointed to the board .
14 In July 1981 the Secretary-General of the GCC specified that ‘ the neutrality of the Gulf can not be separated from the neutrality of the adjacent areas — the Arabian Sea , the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea ’ .
15 Ten minutes after take-off severe vibration was experienced , such that the pilot of the Stearman reported that he had difficulty in holding the control column .
16 It was noted that the rising of the Nile occurred when the last star to appear on the horizon , before dawn obscures all stars , was the dog star Sothis , or Sirius as it is known to us .
17 The second MI5 report on the activities of the BUF argued that the Olympia meeting on 7 June 1934 , which so alienated influential opinion , actually increased support amongst those who were concerned about political disruption by left-wing activists .
18 Some more far-sighted members feared that the restrictive practices of the ISE meant that business was being lost to overseas exchanges , and changes were required .
19 On a number of occasions during March members of the NPKA indicated that they wanted the new constitution to introduce a clear separation of powers between the executive and the legislature .
20 Since they did not understand what the Sign of the Cross meant or the meaning of Our Father , he had started with a simple explanation of these and had told them how important it was to start praying together .
21 On May 14 , 1990 , the defence and foreign affairs committees of the Sejm resolved that the number of Soviet troops in Poland should be reduced from the current 28,000 to 5,000 and demanded an end to their location in the country at low cost [ see also p. 37258 ] .
22 In the 1965 Stormont general election Claude Wilton of the Ulster Liberal Party had polled 47 per cent , and some members of the NILP thought that he should be given a clear run in the 1968 by-election , in the hope of defeating the Unionist candidate .
23 In terms of literature , however , it was n't quite so voluminous as , say , Home Purchaser — but the very nature of the Bond meant that all of the product details could n't be confirmed until just before the launch .
24 The declaration on the formation of the FRY stated that the FRY would be ready to recognize the former Yugoslav republics which had declared independence , after " outstanding questions " had been negotiated , and it denied territorial claims .
25 Tests conducted by Apple during the development of the Lisa showed that a completely unfamiliar user can grasp the rudiments of the mouse-driven software in as little as 15 minutes .
26 Caroline Crawford of the ASA explained that there are two main ways of obtaining personal information about potential customers .
27 The proponents of the APU insisted that government is bound to maintain an interest in the quality of education in order to determine whether resources are being rationally deployed and whether the schools are serving the changing needs of pupils and of society .
28 The deliberations of the RDC revealed that it was intended to pave the way for the establishment of a provisional government .
29 The RRA monitored the dumping operation , however , and on April Fools Day 1980 Michael Linehan of the RRA announced that he had found exposed sacks of asbestos waste at the Barnahely dump .
30 Mr Major 's appeal to the rest of the EC came as he launched a late plan to bring Denmark back on board by allowing them a range of opt-outs from the Treaty — without altering the terms of the agreement itself .
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