Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 The last thing they wanted was for the Americans to know they were about to learn their secrets .
2 The tenant should consider deleting both clauses 11.1 and 11.2 though for the reasons given they could perhaps be tolerated if necessary .
3 Although for the reasons stated they have thought it inappropriate to discuss in detail the reasoning of the Court of Appeal , their conclusion on this question of procedure is fortified by the fact that all four judges in the local courts were of the same opinion .
4 A lawyer speaking for the families said they would be appealing against the Place of Safety orders , and that the appeal would be heard the following day in Kirkwall Sheriff Court .
5 So far , October 's 17-hour marathon has raised about £1,200 , but a spokesman for the organisers said they were still in the region of £2,000–3,000 short of the expected figure .
6 But the chairman of the magistrates saiod they viewed the offences very seriously and found Mr Righton a total of £900 plus £75 costs .
7 Er , some of the others though , one minute , I do n't want to pick out all of them , but , some of the others recognise they are actually parts of influencing , wh what what might be parts of the influencing .
8 Most of the others think they did it because they 're primitive — you know , not white men , never trust a native and so on .
9 Overall , 69% of the respondents said they were ‘ satisfied ’ with the tariffs , while 22% said they were unhappy .
10 In Bradshaw and Holmes ' 1986 study of two-parent households on benefit , two-thirds of the respondents said they would turn to their families for money in an emergency .
11 Well over three-quarters of the respondents said they would be purchasing a microcomputer or additional software within the next year .
12 In Chicago everyone knew Fingers but none of the promoters thought they were worth taking a risk on .
13 Black labradors draped over chairs looked as ‘ buggered ’ as one of the ladies said they were after the four hour walk in the wake of their shooting husbands that morning .
14 Most of the youngsters said they liked their normal school dinner , but Ashley could n't agree .
15 On 29th October , 21 days after the accident , some of the miners thought they could hear the sound of moaning and worked with renewed vigour .
16 And one in three of the women said they did not get enough respect from male superiors .
17 72 per cent of the women said they would like to consume less sugar
18 And 46 per cent of the under-25s said they did n't view marriage as their last romantic attachment .
19 I could do park parade tha , a girl was , er er anywa , I went in the factory and one of the girls says they were saying about a dance , says ooh I quite a few you ought to see him dance the park parade !
20 This , together with the self–selecting nature of the sample , means that while the findings can aid understanding of the factors involved they can not be generalised to the wider population .
21 A quarter of the boys said they would be prepared to talk to a teacher about sex as opposed to only one in 10 girls .
22 Governors of two of the states say they wo n't take other people 's nuclear garbage .
23 Some of the councillors consider they are out of keeping with their surroundings and inappropriate in an AONB .
24 They are also totally anti-trade union , even half of the contractors think they are cowboys , gangsters amongst cowboys .
25 A third of the teachers think they have .
26 All but one of the consultants said they provided feedback on the house officer 's progress , although one admitted it was little more than ‘ five minutes at the end to say thank you . ’
27 Some of the Scots feel they 're living in a colony .
28 Several of the victims said they would file lawsuits for invasion of privacy .
29 Most of the children said they could n't remember any bits they liked ; eventually , with much prompting and nagging , everyone came up with something .
30 Parents of the children said they had made ‘ remarkable progress ’ through Budapest 's conductive education programmes .
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