Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Led by Hepworth Band they march through the village to Scholes , with stops en route for the singing of hymns .
2 However the mass at Our Lady of Lourdes , Leasowe , on Saturday November 14 , will also be an occasion for the singing of Byrd 's Mass for Four Voices .
3 Mr B 's altered appetite — for improvements as distinct from ladies ' maids — is proof of his moral reformation , for the villainy of Lovelace in Clarissa ( 1748–9 ) is signified by his neglect of his country seat ; while the excellence of Sir Charles Grandison , Richardson 's pattern hero , is indicated by his obsession with mortar , creating a little heaven on the earth of his estate .
4 He put the chicken in a roasting bag and felt in his pocket for the vial of thallium .
5 The second reason for the dispatch of Dzerzhinsky to Siberia was to clear up the situation after the Civil War , and to deal with Siberian peasant revolts .
6 On the last day of 1921 the Party Central Committee appointed Feliks Dzerzhinsky , the head of the Cheka and Commissar for Transport , to the commission for the dispatch of food supplies and grain seed from Siberia and the Ukraine .
7 Six weeks should be allowed for the dispatch of tickets .
8 He also used the flower as the starting point for The Tuft of Primroses — Poetical Works , v , p. 348 ff , written in 1807–8 .
9 Yorkshire , which last year made £13.1m profits must pay £37.7m to the Government for the privilege of broadcasting .
10 part of the process of universal involvement in recognition of Artai as Lord of the Earth now necessitated the removal of the Dragon Throne — a solid piece of carving of the weight of seven thousand diram — with its occupant from the top of the plinth down to the concourse from whence it was destined to be borne on a processional route on the shoulders of teams of men of every degree in the Khanate , most of whom had been selected by lot , although there were a few who had paid out considerable sums in gold koban for the privilege of inclusion .
11 But the existence of a group where the products from one factory may be marketed in another allows for the possibility of products being internally sold .
12 Translated as the historical purpose of the bourgeois , Marx saw money as the necessary stripping away of every vestment of the ancien régime , every personal relation of family and society , which would provide the essential foundation for the possibility of communism .
13 This is why I have persisted in using the label cultural-ideological , risking the sin of inelegance for the possibility of clarity .
14 This correlation argues for the possibility of synthesis of platelet activating factor precursors in cells sensitive to gastrin stimulation .
15 The collapse of the English plan had opened the way for the possibility of marriage within Scotland , to Arran 's son .
16 And for teachers already using ( or wanting to adopt ) the approach described here , it acknowledges and reflects their wider concerns , offering a framework which allows for the possibility of building in collaboration as an integral feature of teaching and learning across the whole range of classroom activity .
17 In contrast with their younger counterparts , some of whom at least could hope realistically for the possibility of promotion , the older field men have little ambition , though they retain some sense of mission .
18 At the same the management of eye movements leaves room for the possibility of accesses which can and often do develop into what Goffmann describes as focussed encounters ; episodes which are themselves introduced and terminated by rituals of greeting and farewell .
19 Claude Simon 's fiction provides for the possibility of retrieval , if we accept the mimetic claim that the form of the novel must be dictated by the incoherence and instability of memory and perception : in Le Vent ( 1957 ) , L'Herbe ( 1958 ) , La Route des Flandres ( 1960 ) , Le Palace ( 1962 ) and Histoire ( 1967 ) , the fragmentation and discontinuity of reality is conveyed in the narrative syntax itself .
20 Our understanding of certain phenomena , it would seem , does have to allow for the possibility of God at work .
21 In so far as they encourage greater police intervention on picket lines or at demonstrations , and enable them to impose their authority on many aspects of community life , the 1984 and 1986 Acts have profound implications for the possibility of disorder .
22 It was agreed that the byelaws for dog ban at the toddlers play area be endorsed and clarification be sought for the possibility of dog ban in other areas , which is included in the document .
23 Note that I said ‘ do I want to be ’ rather than ‘ would I like to be ’ as the latter allows for the possibility of failure .
24 Note , 0.0Z versions of packages wih no later versions are not hard copied to allow for the possibility of deletion by validate .
25 The attack on Quine therefore has two prongs , the rejection of MP and an attempt to show that we do not need to be atomists in order to account for the possibility of language learning .
26 What we want to emphasise is the theoretical context of method and how this is integral to sociological investigation , not simply as a technique but as something which has profound significance for the possibility of sociology itself .
27 But they gave him their support , none the less , and the first issue , containing political reports , original essays , poetry , and reviews , was announced for the beginning of March , the aim of the publication being , as Coleridge modestly explained , ‘ to proclaim the State of the Political Atmosphere , and preserve Freedom and her Friends from the attacks of Robbers and Assassins ! ! ’
28 Supposing we was over there in America for the beginning of July I could n't go .
29 He had , in fact , been preparing for an operation to remove his hernia , which had been scheduled for the beginning of January , but because of his winter illnesses it was postponed until the summer .
30 He went directly from Worms to Chalon-sur-Saône : Louis had summoned a host there for the beginning of September .
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