Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] 's [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 What therefore is there to prevent a taxpayer from putting his shares in the name of a nominee and obtaining a deduction from his higher rate tax liability for the nominee 's expenses of management ?
2 Although the assassination of Buckingham could have provided a fresh start , on the assumption that he had been responsible for the King 's policies , there was no redress of grievances .
3 Alternatively , he could always have chatted up one of the drivers of Middleton & Co. 's waggon , asking if there was a bit of spare room for an extra body when they left for the King 's Arms in Holborn on a Sunday evening or a Monday morning .
4 Make way for the king 's heralds ! ’
5 The university buildings , all around St Aldate 's , the Bodleian had become a warehouse , full of corn , coal , cheese and the uniforms for the King 's lifeguards were made there .
6 Special commissions of inquiry into maladministration were set up , but Edward reserved his special venom for Archbishop Stratford , who was sent to Brabant as surety for the king 's debts .
7 erm And if you look at the second line , and begin three words in , it says ‘ the mistress , ’ the mistress is abbreviated , ‘ answers her man can not work , nor can she spare him till she be paid for what her husband did for the King 's soldiers ’ .
8 I went home without waiting for the King 's thanks , because I was not sure what he would say .
9 The warden frequently received orders from the king to take timber in the forest for building operations , for firewood and charcoal for the king 's needs , and as gifts for subjects .
10 If the victim is not edible the reptile quickly slithers away into hiding , but if it is a suitable prey it simply sits back and waits for the animal 's agonies to cease .
11 It may be that there is some delay after completion , which makes it impossible for the buyer 's conveyancers to lodge their transfer within the period of priority .
12 Now she will be a target for the Mafia 's bullets because she knows all of Falcone 's secrets .
13 He opens his wooing with a courteous regard for the lady 's feelings ( at the same time as with a pragmatic eye on the best route to success ) : ( " I will tell you what I have to say , but to make you angry by any deed I should be loath . " )
14 However , this year the Speaker has also been reaching outside his Sacramento stronghold : convening an economic summit in Los Angeles to examine the state 's recession ; pushing laws to reform California 's hated workers'-compensation scheme ; leading a team of legislators to Washington to plead for the state 's interests ; putting himself forward as a mediator in a fractious dispute over teachers ' pay in Los Angeles .
15 The charge for the factor 's services comes in two parts .
16 But even if it were to be brought in , there would still be a need for the factor 's services , says Alan Hughes , chairman of the ABFD and managing director of Griffin Factors , part of Midland Bank .
17 The first priority must be to assess conditions and to choose the correct greenhouse for the user 's needs .
18 A leading liberal , Mr Martin Lee , whose United Democrats won a landslide in elections for the partially-democratic legislature in September , defined the Governor 's job differently : ‘ He must be committed to democratising Hong Kong and to standing up for the territory 's interests , especially in the case of conflict with Britain and China .
19 I thank my hon. Friend for the Government 's efforts to reduce the pressure on drift netting in the North sea , which will have a good impact on salmon fishing in Scotland .
20 In return the Colorados pledged support for the government 's efforts to draw up an economic plan to combat inflation and reduce the fiscal deficit .
21 In Brazil Bush thanked President Fernando Collor de Mello for adopting sanctions against Iraq ( one of Brazil 's major export markets ) and expressed his support for the government 's efforts to protect the Amazonian rain forest .
22 Demonstrations against the military build-up had already taken place in the UK , and after Jan. 15 these were stepped up , with vigils and other forms of protest taking place , but opinion polls showed consistently high levels of public support for the government 's actions .
23 Government backbenchers are expected to be present at all stages and though they are entitled to speak for half the time available on the floor of the House , in committee they are expected neither to speak nor to move amendments but simply to keep voting for the government 's proposals .
24 There must therefore be another reason for the Government 's proposals , and it was not honest or honourable of the Secretary of State to pretend otherwise .
25 Does he accept that there is widespread support from industry and the community generally for the Government 's roads programme ?
26 Before their deaths both Lord Butler and Lord Stockton , formerly Harold Macmillan , frequently made clear their distaste for the government 's policies .
27 The massive lack of popular support for the government 's plans for the NHS and the overwhelming popularity of a public health system ( despite its many problems ) over a privatised health system , mean that the government could be defeated on this issue .
28 Public support for the scheme evaporated as a result of the campaign to save the wood , with even its most vociferous supporter , the British Road Federation , withdrawing its backing for the government 's plans .
29 Besides , it is playing fast and loose with the statistics to take 1981 as the baseline for the Government 's claims .
30 And by forging ahead with privatisation , he could raise much-needed cash for the government 's coffers .
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