Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [unc] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Losses of £500m for 1988 and over £2 billion for 1989 have already depleted free assets , especially for the 5,000-odd names on excess-of-loss syndicates .
2 Now comment was made during the er nominations to this office .
3 And er then of course the bed was put in it and then there was you know things as the s pillars at the side .
4 My understanding of what what the panel said and what the what the Secretary of State agreed was that neither the panel nor the Secretary of State disagreed with the erm the general sense of the policy but felt that that sense was er embodied and and was able to be applied through the erm provisions of other policies in the plan at that time .
5 And as we read through the er accounts of this experience in the acts of the apostles , we find it happening again , and again , and again , and becoming obviously the norm .
6 Was not too bad at all , because er d d d everybody was inv involved in some sort of endeavour , either er er through the unions , or through the er demonstrations against unemployment , you see , so there there was indeed er a a certain coming together .
7 Gel retardation of linear pHIVCG9.9 HIV-1 plasmid DNA was also obtained with all of the NCp7 mutants except NCp7D ( fig. 2B , lanes 5–19 ) .
8 It is difficult to quantify " work " exactly , but if the number of individual multiplications is taken as a guide , then , if A is of order n , each of the n2 elements of unc involves n multiplications : i.e. n3 in all .
9 In the structures shown , the three equivalent protons of the α-methyl group absorb radiation at a single frequency , but this frequency will be different for each of the three kinds of triad , because the environment of the α-methyl groups in each is different .
10 Though that 's beginning to be qualified a little because of the erm effects of erm national legislation , for example national employment legislation nowadays requires that all employers in a certain field of employment , and universities is one , erm pursue similar policies towards their staff , and indeed in our case erm pay them on the same pay scales and erm so in that sense we have to enter into agreements with trade unions and others which are binding on our members .
11 Nevertheless , it 's our belief that through health promotion programmes which involve cooperation with communities themselves , that we can in fact do as much as we possibly can do to actually alleviate some of the erm differences in health status .
12 Nationalism we perhaps some of the er er some of the erm concepts of nationalism appearing even before the French revolution .
13 Some of the erm stems on it look as if the not mouldy but they 're , they 're sort of
14 Some of the erm stems on it look as if as if , not mouldy , but er they 're sort of
15 Now I mean many of the erm practices of religion I 'm not sure I understand them all , but but I still take part in them .
16 Could I just say , that erm , the record of the erm issues of re-grading , longer hours , and so forth I noted the comments made on it .
17 Thirdly that there is no requirement to demonstrate a need to locate development in open countryside erm and we 've been reminded this morning that erm one of the erm flaws in the policy put forward back in nineteen seventy nine or eighty erm appears to be that it erm required , certainly in the explanatory memorandum , that the development be erm essential erm to er essentially have a countryside location .
18 Before looking at some of the erm details of those practical programmes I would like to tell you something about the principles upon which his mind worked in approaching practical affairs .
19 The numbers of the 140k residues at the amino- and carboxy-terminal ends of each deletion polypeptide are given and the corresponding restriction sites used for the isolation and cloning of gene 62 sequences into the T7 expression vectors are shown above .
20 But the scale of the rehabilitation-3,500 pieces of glass needing replacement , special cutting of the brick stocks — drove the costs way out of the original ball park .
21 In November 1990 the Ministry of Defence announced that not all of the 500,000-strong personnel of the NVA could be absorbed by the Bundeswehr , and that little of the large stock of weapons and munitions could be of use to the Bundeswehr .
22 Oh I I would be it would be nonsense to say that there has n't been failings of the system , sometimes through the carelessness of an officer , sometimes , certainly in the initial stage , because of their lack of awareness of the er provisions of the act .
23 Th this is something that is developing members will be aware of the er proposals for er competition for white collar services and we sh we recharge these costs at the moment historic leases and the central departments are at the moment developing er trading accounts for all these and as we develop that work we we can correct our previous charges so there will be some sort of changes in the way we charge and as I say that 's coming through in these costs committees because it 's it 's shifting money around between different committees so we shifted the budget at the same time .
24 A knowledge of the working of a solicitor 's office , particularly er o of those departments handling non-contentious business , can not be automatically imputed to the judge or to council and he may as well make it is not uncommon for an expert witness to give evidence of what he would have done in a particular situation after consideration and er I resign on that because in my submission er the issues in this case are clearly issues of mixed fact and law and my Lord it is seen from the report handed up that there is particularly in relation to the erm financial aspect of the case , reference to a provision within a professional conduct of solicitors guide as to what the nature of the er duties of the solicitor in the situation is .
25 You know I mean we , we look , I mean it 's inter one of the reasons for the nineteen seventy two reform you know one of , one of the er factors in it was to attempt to raise levels of participation in local government by making it more understandable .
26 How much is the cost of the er impacts on
27 Do you think that if we had a pensions regulator , er it might deal with some of the exploitations by Robert Maxwell er and some of the er aspects of where he breached the law and managed to take over pension funds .
28 Some of that deal has been produced as far as the Tornado 's concerned , but again you 're quite right we 're waiting for the announcement of the er orders for the trains .
29 My Lords , er the principle of co-option has been described as by a number of Your Lordships as an extension of principal of democracy , but I call on my experience not as er of a year as er Minister for the Police under my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw , but my three years as Minister for the Prison Service er and er in that er service , there was erm in each prison a Board of Prison Visitors and I observed during that time that the membership of the prison population was becoming increasingly black , but that the membership of the er Boards of Prison Governors was remaining stubbornly white and I er put it , I made it then that I thought there should be something to redress this balance er the system is as it were a supervised co-option , the local er Board makes a proposal and the Minister approves or does n't , but also I had to refuse five successive of proposed co-options of white members to an all-white prison board for a prison which was predominantly black in population because it was alleged there were no suitable black people available .
30 The people of Scotland considered these eight options and duly replied with ninety percent of the rep replies including Tory councillors , and Tor Tor and some Tory , Tory-run councils , totally rejecting any form of water privatization in Scotland .
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