Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] and we " in BNC.

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1 My sister Ellen , sir , who has had charge of my first-born this three long years , her husband William died of blood poisoning in September and she is now alone and I have written even before I heard of the plan to go to Rome to beg her to come out here to me with Oreste and if she does , as I think she will , having no other family or ties , then she might look after my house and other child for the winter and we would all profit without further trouble . ’
2 Unfortunately , the list of ingredients did n't include the egg which was later needed for the mixture and we are sorry if anyone has been disappointed when trying to make the scones .
3 Having said that , each and every Rottweiler who is taken out into the public 's glare is an ambassador for the breed and we must do the best we can .
4 ‘ Whatever happens today I 'm sure he 'll be even better for the race and we 'll be ready for the Arc .
5 It means money for the clubs and we have a tremendously committed and talented unit who genuinely care about the game . ’
6 Wirral Labour Councillor Phil Williams said : ‘ There is a groundswell of support for the centre and we want to show its counsellors that . ’
7 It 's a question of recognition for the Union and we 're quite prepared , and looking forward , to going back there and carrying on the work that we were doing before .
8 We were told that this money was being collected for the families and we gave this money through the official trade union for that purpose .
9 Erm , and as a result of that , we did , er , Chair , seek erm , urgency powers to give that commitment for the scheme and we did it by er , forgoing a scheme within the current year 's capital programme , and exchanging this .
10 Someone somewhere , however , changed the order for the Portakabin and we ended up with a 15ft ( 4.5m ) one .
11 We 're staying for the party and we 're spending the night here . ’
12 So the emphasis now is more on the people themselves , basically Neighbourhood Watch is your scheme , it 's not a police thing , we support it , we pay for the hall tonight , we pay for the signs for the street and we give you all the literature free , but it is your scheme and it 's how you want it to be .
13 Barry has always been the best man for the job and we 're going to continue our partnership . ’
14 Yeah well thanks Jim , it 's been lovely meeting you and I , I 've enjoyed the evening erm and enjoyed , thanks for the tea and we 've been through
15 The shivering group was quickly fuelled by big bowls of soup and glasses of wine and then , very suddenly , the sun beamed through and the cloud disappeared — everyone scampered for the lifts and we had the most wonderful afternoon imaginable .
16 This new venture seems to hold great promise for the future and we wish them every success .
17 The feed for the shop and we the box of eggs on the push-bike .
18 Ted Dexter , chairman of the England Committee , commented : ‘ Graham has led the side in the best possible way during the winter and we are delighted he has again accepted the captaincy . ’
19 There were none of the crowds that had been there during the day and we could really pray .
20 His name was to be mentioned many times during the weekend and we missed him .
21 Our best wishes go to those who retired from the Board during the year and we would like to thank all those who serve so tirelessly on our committees for their advice and guidance .
22 It is these in particular which have performed well during the year and we have gained market share through innovative product offerings and quick response to customers ’ demands .
23 It was a very moving experience , barriers were broken between the mums and we could talk from our hearts .
24 I remember because in nineteen thirty eight , er we were scheduled to have an opening in about the September and we got a team coming down to play us at football and we were going to have a social evening , darts and that , at , in the evening and of course at that particular time , the war was a definite threat .
25 negative and excluding people , but I also think that labels can be very , very positive and very , very important and that 's , I think that 's why erm , people thought up the word feminism and yeah , okay we have to think about the word and we have to think about what it means for us so yeah , a lot of pe , er people do n't want to call themselves feminists because the label has such negative connotations , but it does also mean very positive things , it 's a way of bringing people together , it 's a way of supporting each other , it 's , you know it 's , brings solidarity to the movement and people need labels .
26 GROWING affluence has not alleviated anxiety about the future and we are a better insured nation now than we were in 1979 .
27 We 'll wait for the lads up there to tell us about the blood and we 'll read the autopsy report .
28 Sheldon himself never lied to his friends about the mummy and we have to be grateful to Faujas Saint-Fond for the following account written shortly after a visit he had made on Sheldon : ‘ It is [ said Sheldon ] a mistress whom I tenderly loved .
29 Both my friends felt that there was something ‘ queer ’ about the place and we left quickly .
30 We 'll forget about the E and we 'll put a number in instead .
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