Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In any event , Miss Kyte — at least Theda , for that I know to be her real name — is not to lose by this .
2 I had for many years had this feeling about myself-that I looked like that — not literally , but in an inner way I felt I did .
3 After that I waited at the harbour until it was safe to go back to the beach without seeing the person I was dodging . ’
4 After that I dropped to 5 , 7 and out , but he sailed on magisterially .
5 After that I put in another fast lap and coasted from there on . ’
6 After that I listened to my Walkman , and later talked to Ron .
7 After that I went off music for a while .
8 After that I went to bed ; I suppose it would be around midnight . ’
9 And then after that I went to a public school but er to those years er I just followed the pattern .
10 ‘ … after that I worked as a secretary .
11 After that I forgot about seeing Tavett and did n't remember until I was leaving the building .
12 Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul , for quite different and more fundamental reasons than I 'd disposed of Blyth , and then a year after that I did for my young cousin Esmerelda , more or less on a whim .
13 Seve finished second to Johnny Miller and after that I caddied for him until the end of 1979 .
14 Then shortly after that I moved to where because no one else who wanted to buy the old buildings , I purchased them from the firm of er in our own right , no ou , in my own right and I started my office there where I had warehouse space .
15 I moved from Nazeing into Harlow because my house was condemned at Nazeing and I had to come into a Council house at , and erm , from I had erm , when I came from Nazeing I had erm , three sons three sons then and when I got to , I 'd been here a year and then I had another son and after that er , when he was about two years and four months I had a daughter , but unfortunately I lost her with heart trouble and er she only lived four months and I lost her and er , er I stayed there , stayed there and , in and after that I moved to because it was a bit larger house for my family you see and from erm I was there several years and er stayed there and I had erm oh first of all I , I had my twins , my twin boys after I lost the daughter , I had twin boys and they , I went to I suppose about two years and four months between and I wanted to adopt a little girl but they would n't let , my hubby said no and so then I er , sort of see if I get a little girl and I had twin boys did n't I , and I 'm still in , I 'm in and after er after I had the twins when I was about er forty two if I did had another boy which is the one I 've got , the last one up there of my eight , I ended up with eight boys
16 After that I started in Bakery as an apprentice baker .
17 ‘ When I was 12 I won the one length freestyle , backstroke and breaststroke events at the local schools gala , but after that I concentrated on the backstroke most of the time . ’
18 Storm Jameson , a woman novelist active in the peace movement , later recalled : ‘ For some years after 1933 I lived in equivocal amity with pacifists and combative supporters of the League of Nations , adjusting my feelings , in good and bad faith , to the person I happened to be with .
19 Soon after this I embarked on another essay , under what stimulus I do not now remember ; but I had formed the habit , not of revising or tinkering with an unsatisfactory piece , but of writing something else instead .
20 But that November evening , the evening it all started , it was raining heavily and just after six I passed through the iron gates and followed the path through the forest of Gothic monuments and gravestones .
21 ‘ Well I like that … that 's rich that is after all I do for you .
22 After all I did for you !
23 During 1979 I went to Taylor House for a holiday .
24 Er all that patch along the and during nineteen I started in nineteen fifty three , and about the end of nineteen fifty four , before Christmas , most of the lot that he had left behind , came down .
25 From seven to half past eight I work in my garden ; from breakfast till 12 I read & compose ; then work again — feed the pigs , poultry & c , till two o'clock — after dinner work again till Tea-from Tea till supper review .
26 ’ At the age of 21 I turned to prostitution to provide money for drugs as I now had a heavy addiction .
27 For the first half of 1946 I remained at school , where the privileged handful of us who had won our places at Oxford and Cambridge did no work , read widely , cycled to the seaside .
28 The hot summer of 1940 I spent in Kidlington , listening during those suspended August days to the radio bulletins on the Battle of Britain .
29 I thought I was giving you more than that , ee , first of all I went to fifteen percent , you said
30 Relying on memory , the dates in my diary and what my wife recalls of all I said on coming away from the Presence , I have done my best to get things right .
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