Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He hinted to me the week before the event that he would n't mind a rest one day and I thought about that and thought about it again when we got to The Belfry .
2 In the late 1860's , Rohde , a sensitive and highly intelligent person , was Nietzsche 's closest friend and so kindred a spirit that ambitious , albeit abortive , joint plans were regularly mooted : a collaborative book on Greek literature in 1868 or a year studying together in Paris ( scheduled for 1869 and frustrated by Nietzsche 's appointment at Basle ) .
3 Got a got a pair of twos there ee by heck ! for four and a pair is six well I think I 'll have I 'm afraid two eights , two o , two eights , two tens and then nine did n't ask for that but I had to throw a pair of twos away for that and go in there you go .
4 by the veins , there 's always an exception to every rule and the exception to that rule in the case of the heart and the lung connection is the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein , you may not get asked anything about this , but just in case you do it 's as well to know , in that instance the flow is reversed , in other words the pulmonary vein takes blood away from the heart and up to the lungs , and the pulmonary artery brings the oxygenated blood back down to the heart from the lungs , if you want to have a look at the diagrams for that and look at it yourself later on , there 's no need for you to get concerned or confused about this at all , there 's no need .
5 That I think perhaps is one of the striking differences between that and living in a house in Harlow , where you may or may not know your immediate neighbours .
6 Girls , money , fast cars — it was the choice between that and working in a factory for the rest of your life , and I went for the girls — ‘ I 'll have the girls and all the money , please . ’
7 I thought about this and came to the conclusion that it seemed a very good philosophy .
8 Preston thought about this and came to no satisfactory conclusion .
9 Care assistants need to be sensitive about this and withdraw from the person while they are using the toilet .
10 Other tasks include approving WACC 's project portfolio for 1993 and looking at WACC 's future work in the area of cinema .
11 But management also wanted a wage freeze for 1993 and cuts in staff benefits which the workers claim represent a 10 per cent cut in wages .
12 That 's all it comes by is human learning , and you 're neglecting that , you say , that is you are n't developing a learning society and you 're going to pay for this and pay for this and pay for this , you see , and your children will pay for it , your grandchildren will pay for it , you see , just what you 're doing to the educational system , what you 're doing to the universities and you 're so far behind from what erm most other modern countries are .
13 That 's all it comes by is human learning , and you 're neglecting that , you say , that is you are n't developing a learning society and you 're going to pay for this and pay for this and pay for this , you see , and your children will pay for it , your grandchildren will pay for it , you see , just what you 're doing to the educational system , what you 're doing to the universities and you 're so far behind from what erm most other modern countries are .
14 It is wise to plan for this and to keep in mind the possibility of building up to having video installed in a percentage of the classrooms .
15 It starts as for Ziggerat , climbs direct to the first roof , pulls through this and continues up the steep wall to the next roof which is passed by very difficult bridging .
16 Go through this and continue on the good track into the woodland , passing a ‘ crossroads ’ with a wall and gate on the right .
17 I told him I was writing a book about Sudan , and managed to make some tenuous link between this and benefit to his airline .
18 Although a Rural Leases Bill designed to benefit tenants was placed before the Cortes , it was only half-heartedly pursued during 1932–3 and sank without trace when Azaña resigned from office in September 1933 .
19 She arrived in Bamford a little after eleven and parked in the almost empty car park to the rear of the supermarket .
20 Nigel gave up all belief in things occult after that and asked for his money back .
21 He took the wheel after that and drove at a furious speed back to San José , where he turned right on to the Pan-Am .
22 He grew morose after that and growled at the customers , it seems — so most took themselves to the next village for their ale .
23 That 's where he 's away this weekend to her place , and then he 's going next weekend because there 's some wedding do or something er so he 's to go next weekend , he goes there , stays with her parents and then she 'll come down the weekend after that and stay at our house .
24 Erm Dr Julia is going to be on sabbatical leave next term and would therefore like to give her lectures on Mill and utilitarianism erm this term so next week you will have Julia on Rousseau and immediately after that she 'll give her lectures on utilitarianism and Mill and I will then come after that and deal with socialism and Marx and all that really sexy stuff .
25 These 450 dwellings were an important part of the 2500 private sector dwellings built after 1981 and correspond to the subsidized private sector construction of the 1920s .
26 Although the famous gallery owner is thinking of retiring and has for some time been searching for an institution to take on his private collection , the title of the event ‘ TransForm ’ is not a veiled reference to his forthcoming conversion from art dealer to museum collector .
27 He rapidly became one of the prince 's closest friends , accompanying him on his crusade of 1270–2 and appearing as one of his executors in the will which Edward made at Acre in June 1272 .
28 The statistics show that the eventual winner of a tournament normally starts with a round of 68.4 and moves into contention with a second round of 67.9 .
29 Even then , it was not free from disaster , and the central and the south-west towers collapsed in a storm of 1210 and had to be rebuilt .
30 Wade through them , swinging it from left to right in a figure of eight and yelling like mad , forcing them back as you break out towards safety like a samurai in the Tokyo rush hour .
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