Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [Wh pn] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It was he after all who had led her to arrest Taczek , he who had indirectly led her into the chief superintendent 's office that morning to have her face sprayed with warm saliva .
2 The cult had remained after those who had brought it had embraced the gods of the Black Land , the true gods , the gods of the land in which they now lived , but it remained as no more than a fashion among the rich .
3 All he needed to do was to collect the votes of the majority of MAs who had left the University .
4 Jack Rogers was a man of fifty who had worked on the shop-floor all his working life .
5 He was a ‘ blackshirt ’ ( fascist ) and was one of fifty who had come up from London to act as stewards .
6 Can you admire or respect a successful businessman at the age of fifty who has accumulated wealth , yet lost his health while doctors warn ‘ Lose at least 5 stones and stop drinking or you will be dead before your next birthday ’ ?
7 Ella Bembridge was a formidably hearty spinster of fifty-five who had lived , with a wilting friend of much the same age , in a small cottage on the Lulling corner of Thrush Green for the past ten years .
8 The Philippines consul-general , Wenceslao Quirolgico , said yesterday Kuwait had also pledged to help the repatriation to Manila of 300 who have taken refuge at the Philippine embassy complaining of abuse by employers .
9 A few days more and the man 's body would have been buried completely — another name to add to the list of 12 who have disappeared in the Gredos over the past two years .
10 The living is cheap and the people are friendly , with a large contingent of British who have chosen to make a permanent home here .
11 Think of some who have influenced you through their knowledge of God .
12 On the steps of the City Hall he spoke to a crowd of 50,000 who had waited for hours for his appearance .
13 He was a liberal conservative gentleman from a line of such who had cultivated their patch of Wiltshire since one of the first gentrifications four centuries previously .
14 This was a man of forty-six who had had multiple sclerosis for six years .
15 Your correspondent climbed the Mittelegi Ridge with Roger Alton of The Guardian , followed closely by Doug Scott and Sharu Prabhu , with Tibetan refugee , 14-year-old Karma Sondup , plus James Kagambi from Kenya and Tess Borroughs , a Surrey mother of three who has worked full time for Climb for the World since first reading of it in this magazine last year .
16 For here , in 1366 , the future King Henry IV was born ; the son of John of gaunt who had inherited Bolingbroke Castle through his wife , who was heiress to the Lancaster estates .
17 A past stress of a different nature is seen in the case of a woman of twenty-seven who had felt chronically debilitated and unwell for years .
18 The study aimed to include mobile non-insulin dependent diabetic patients under the age of 80 who had attended the district general hospital diabetic clinics in the previous two years .
19 Although , as an exercise against Republican democracy , the military rising of 18 July 1936 had had the backing of all who had sympathized with the Nationalist cause , there were many who felt that the result of the war — a military dictatorship — was not what they had intended .
20 To all complaints about his conduct he made the same answer : he was bound by the decree of 1099 , which obliged him to withdraw from the communion of all who had taken part in ceremonies of investiture or homage .
21 The spirits of Eileen and the Commander and of all who had died there , would crowd about him more densely than the blown petals of the flowering cherries .
22 His main aim in these months was to reconcile and renew the nation : hence no revolution , but most of the reforms that the CNR had wanted ; hence a purge , but not the wholesale purge of all who had had dealings with the Germans or with Vichy ; hence a referendum and free elections , but no plebiscite ( whatever his opponents alleged , the referendum of October 1945 was not a true plebiscite ) ; hence the presidency but no Gaullist party .
23 ‘ 'Ere , ’ said the man on stage , ‘ what about the widow who wore black garters in memory of all who had passed beyond ? ’
24 We know several of our teachers who now hold this award but with to ensure that we have the names of all who have achieved it .
25 Thomas Hardy 's story of the death of poor little Fanny Robin and her new-born child in Far From the Madding Crowd is etched on the memory of all who have read it .
26 We use the teapot frequently , enjoying the look and feel of it and thinking of all who have used it before us .
27 The Shias , the growing community of poor who had suffered more than any other Lebanese , were curiously never mentioned .
28 To give the poor lad his due , he 's only one of many who 've done the same .
29 By the testimonies of such as rugby 's Gareth Chilcott and boxing 's Frank Bruno , to name but two of many who have acknowledged how sport saved them from going off the rails as youngsters , it can claim an increasingly influential niche in society .
30 From the point of view of many who have traced the development of religious thought over the last two hundred years , theism ceased to be unshakeable long before , in the twentieth century , Ayer and others from the school of ‘ logical positivism ’ sought to make it impossible .
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