Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun prp] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What is known , however , is that we have already sold more than 60 per cent of the public tickets and will be informing the lucky applicants by 1 April instead of 30 June as we originally intended . ’
2 ‘ What is known , however , is that we have already sold more than 60 per cent of the public tickets and will be informing the lucky applicants by 1 April instead of 30 June as we originally intended . ’
3 The German theologian Rudolf Bultmann ( 1884–1976 ) believed that we need to demythologise the New Testament because demonism was part of the cultural world-view of first-century Palestine that we must reject in order to discover authentic faith ( Bultmann 1953:5 ) .
4 Send us a cartoon or a caricature on the theme of 20th-century Oxford and we 'll publish the best two entries and display them at the Ashmolean .
5 ‘ We can do nothing for Eastern Europe if we fail among ourselves in a few days ’ time to agree on economic and monetary union , social and environmental policies so that we can complete the European single market on time . ’
6 This I I ca n't help thinking with this Allan that we 've talked about doing this competency thing and we 've perhaps
7 right that have got a bit of a niche round about five o'clock from bloody Amsterdam and we 're getting shafted .
8 They put me in touch with a few other people in nearby Sheffield and we arranged to have a tentative first meeting in someone 's flat .
9 The move took place in early December and we settled in so quickly that it is difficult to believe we have been in our new offices for less than a year .
10 The same movements are probably much more in evidence in western Europe than we usually seem willing to admit .
11 Their problems are so deep and the solutions will take so long that it will hold back political and economic progress in western Europe if we insist that they are brought into the fold sooner rather than later .
12 I would say that Ireland is very definitely a Third World country even though we 're geographically in Western Europe and we 're white .
13 Yeah to go back to work on this Thursday but we did n't go an all we should have gone then .
14 The consultation period came to an end on 16 September and we then got down to work assessing the reaction .
15 I made it clear on 27 November that we intend to bring forward proposals for Sunday trading once the legal position is clear .
16 The 1993 event started in York on 14 February and we will report on how they got on in the next issue .
17 This year the last four students from our present training courses took the Medau Teachers ' Examination on 11th June and we are happy to report that all passed and are now qualified Medau Teachers .
18 I 'm surprised at that Rog cos we 've
19 I 've also been in the situation at Old Trafford where we took just two points out of last 12 and still only lost the title by four points . ’
20 I throw myself at this Azadi and we wrestle like children in the mud .
21 As sitting tenants we get first refusal , but he must know by next Monday whether we 're interested . "
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