Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] that they " in BNC.

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1 Insecurity , hunger , constant vilification and injustice were their lot , and it was as exhausted escapees that they made their way from Europe via Liverpool to Halifax ( then the most important port on the Atlantic coast ) , before finally settling in Montreal .
2 Indeed , economies of scale are likely to vary so much between different services that they can not all be served by a single settlement policy .
3 Thumbed through some papers that they have got , in front of the shop , and found one set of erm , papers from nineteen thirty-six concerned the French National Anthem , and I thought that was a second amazing coincidence , er , and so I had to buy myself that that set of papers for about a pound .
4 For all the proof you need , look no further than this year 's Reading Festival and the amazing response the Neds got for some T-shirts that they had made especially for the occasion .
5 For all the proof you need , look no further than this year 's Reading Festival and the amazing response the Neds got for some T-shirts that they had made especially for the occasion .
6 SENIOR Bulgarian Communist Party leaders yesterday offered to resign after high-level accusations that they were closely associated with the fallen hardline leader , Mr Todor Zhivkov , and had implemented few changes since coming to power .
7 These poets are trying to speak for the lost generations , condemned forever to inarticulacy ; and to speak aloud about simple things that they had been forbidden even to think about .
8 This transmission of culture is aided by the tendency to recruit in ‘ one 's own image ’ where members of interview panels tend to look for similar qualities that they themselves possess when recruiting new members .
9 It is legitimate , therefore , to ask what it is that is special about flea-bitten membranes that they should open up one object ( the body ) to all others , to a world .
10 We know that different people hold different views about moral issues that they all treat as of great importance .
11 It is clear from the remarks of Labour Members that they do not like change , even though they have no ideas about what should be done to improve the education system .
12 17.48 ( i ) Pupils should have opportunities to write in a range of forms including a number of the following : notes , diaries , personal letters , chronological accounts , pamphlets , book reviews , advertisements , comic strips , poems , stories , playscripts. ( ii ) Building on experiences of a range of different stories that they have read and heard , and/or through discussion of their work with the teacher or their peers , pupils should learn to handle the following elements of story structure with increasing effectiveness : an opening , setting , characters , events and a resolution .
13 In response to claims by MAS that the BBC has circulated a list of 67 records that they have allegedly ‘ banned ’ due to their being unlistenable , a spokesperson for Radio 1 said ‘ Absolutely .
14 It is characteristic of theoretical linguists that they select example sentences that computational linguists would categorise as pathological .
15 It is the characteristic of social services that they become rapidly and strongly institutionalised .
16 The confusion , fortified by a fear on the part of some members that they were going to be asked to make way for Austen Chamberlain and Birkenhead , gave Baldwin almost complete freedom .
17 It is said of some speeches that they smell of the lamp .
18 In at least one case , an artist has requested the option to buy back his own work , only for his letter to go unanswered ; Saatchi is known to have split up one series of paintings which were sold to him on the strength of verbal assurances that they would stay together .
19 It is to the credit of such workers that they rarely feel animosity towards a member of the Royal Family who puts on a designer frock , gets into a chauffeur-driven car , spends a couple of hours meeting the afflicted and , as a result , has her picture on the front page of most national newspapers with the word caring prefacing every mention of her name .
20 Therefore it is not a feature of such crises that they were immediately preceded by a lack of effective demand on the market for consumer goods .
21 age of six months that they could n't handle me any more .
22 And the tally of crown successes over its opponents far outnumbers its few failures ; Douglases , Crichtons , Livingstones , Erskines , Gordons , Hamiltons and many other members of aristocratic families who lost out to the crown over a huge range of disputes , from the heights of violent conflict to the crown 's ability to beat off rival claimants to lands , would have been astonished by the belief of later historians that they were more powerful than the monarchy .
23 Boal sought and received assurances from a number of leading Unionists that they would join such a movement but , when the Ulster Democratic Unionist party was launched on 30 October 1971 , many of those who had expressed interest were absent .
24 In the first place it is essential to the concept of graded tests that they should be taken by students when they are ready , from time to time throughout their school career , or indeed after school ( there is no reason why a grandmother and granddaughter should not practise side by side for their Grade 1 piano examination ) .
25 Spinoza says that it is no mere accident that this is never so , but that it is built into the essential nature of human beings that they need these relations with others for the achievement of personal fulfilment .
26 Perhaps because it is of the very essence of human beings that they transcend any situation into which they come or bring about .
27 Very often people get so afraid of these consequences that they develop a very serious fear of their own fear response .
28 What was the matter with the young of these days that they were in such haste to destroy themselves ?
29 As we noted at the start , the policy concerns of the country in which academics work are an important factor in determining the kind of International Relations that they will study .
30 Between 1964 and 1990 , the number of births outside marriage increased from 63 thousand to 200 thousand , while the proportion of all births that they represent more than quadrupled from 7% to 29% .
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