Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] them with [art] " in BNC.

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1 why they do n't change over in this country because we 're the odd one out and if they make cars they 've got ta make them with the steering wheel one side or the other
2 I recall a Saturday midday lecture to Oxford undergraduate and graduate students in the 1970s when , after riveting them with a talk about double fluorescent labelling , he asked if they would be interested in hearing about experiments on motor systems ; they said they would and they abandoned lunch to listen .
3 The basic guidelines is erm if somebody is a danger to themselves or other people then perhaps there is some way of helping them with an enforced medication or hospital treatment .
4 She wondered if there was the faintest chance of impressing them with the significance of her position .
5 This must be done with the object of replacing them with a single rational religion compatible with human needs and unrelated to blind and futile faith in unproven ‘ gods ‘ .
6 A GIS is capable of identifying such slivers and allowing the user the choice of leaving them as they are or of replacing them with an average boundary position .
7 Once stomachs had settled to life at sea their owners got down to the serious work of filling them with the gargantuan meals offered .
8 The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria ( CITUB ) and the Podkrepa ( " Support " ) Labour Confederation walked out of talks with the government on April 14 , accusing it of presenting them with a fait accompli over price liberalization .
9 When I asked Grand Met how it could justify the high rent increases , I was told that tenants could easily afford them because tenants would now receive all the proceeds from the amusement machines instead of sharing them with the brewers , although they still have to pay a high licence fee and rent .
10 Commissioners were accordingly appointed to make perambulations in the forests of Devon and Surrey : they were to be returned into the Chancery before Christmas , but were not to be put into effect until the officers of the central administration had had an opportunity of comparing them with the earlier perambulations of Edward I 's time .
11 ‘ I hate that preaching which tendeth to make the hearers laugh or to move their mind with tickling laxity and affect them as a stage player used to do , instead of affecting them with a holy reverence of the name of God . ’
12 ‘ I have devised a number of exquisite tortures for little boys who break bottles ’ he wrote , ‘ such as circumcising them with the jagged fragments ’ .
13 A 39-year-old man admitted kidnapping two 13-year-old schoolgirls , raping one and indecently assaulting the other , before stabbing them with a three-foot-long ceremonial sword and leaving them for dead in the forest .
14 ( viii ) Remove the coverslips from their chambers and transfer them into PBS containing 0.1 % Tween-20 ( PBS — Tween ) before incubating them with the specific antibodies or other reagents .
15 In summary then the difficulties for the Archive lie in trying to identify users ’ needs and in providing them with the appropriate service on a range from an on-line determined access ( in which the Archive itself is relatively ‘ transparent ’ ) through to a supportive guided approach .
16 not to let them get out of the pov that 's what I 'm saying , it suits them because they can buy up property much cheaper than if that two hundred pounds a week that 's being spent on bed and breakfast , that , they were spent on helping them with the problems as they are at the moment .
17 and we were n't gon na provide them with the level of service that
18 I mean I think there 's the same problem with children in a sense , I mean , you you talking about confronting them with the realities of the world and I suppose I perhaps if we if we did expose ourselves to the erm to the true meaning of what 's going on in the world , we could n't handle it psychologically without stopping it , without doing something about it .
19 As well as a means of ensuring that interoperability and compatibility between different vendors ' Tuxedo-based products , USL wants the club to clearly identify these products by stamping them with the Tuxedo brand .
20 The main light was behind him , but I could still see the shadows on his face ; they were more marked than ever , and I had the foolish illusion that I could remove them by stroking them with the tips of my fingers .
21 • Put out any burning clothes by smothering them with a thick cloth or rug , but not something synthetic which would melt in the heat .
22 Commands are chosen from an onscreen menu by touching them with the tip of the pointer and executed by pressing one or both of the buttons .
23 Give hands an overnight treat by coating them with a rich conditioner and then donning a pair of lightweight vinyl gloves ( such as HandiMates , £1.09 for a box of 10 ) .
24 But it means , too , transforming these traditions , by imbuing them with the woman-centered values of nurturance and intimacy , as necessary and legitimate goals of political life .
25 The Doctor was standing on his head and juggling the balls by knocking them with the soles of his feet whilst gargling ‘ The Star-Spangled Banner ’ .
26 Many fish , squid , octopuses , comb-jellies and jellyfish ensure that the abyssal depths are never completely dark by filling them with the sparkle and shimmer of animal light .
27 You do not necessarily need to take up space by publishing them with the competition but they must be readily available on request .
28 At the same time , inspect and clean the gutters and rainwater gullies , emptying them of leaves and silt — finish off by flushing them with a bucket of warm water .
29 Obviously , I could make better use of the space by replacing them with an 8 x 12ft monster , but that was too expensive £500 , or more … and I certainly did n't have that much going spare .
30 When delegates from various provincial committees came to St Petersburg for consultations in August 1859 , Nikolai Miliutin cut the ground from under their feet by presenting them with an outline of the Commission 's views which went far beyond what they had in mind .
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