Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] it in the " in BNC.

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31 Crawling over , Trent pulled his small matt-black throwing-knife out of the man 's throat , cleaning the blade before replacing it in the sheath between his shoulder-blades .
32 This is normally accompanied by the equally widespread concentration on the factual content or the basic manipulative skills in the material and the associated neglect of the higher-level objectives that were probably the author 's main motivation in developing it in the first place .
33 Gary McKeown slanted over an inviting ball , but it was criminal negligence for the visitors to allow Gary Paterson the time and space to chest the ball down before burying it in the net .
34 Gary McKeown slanted over an inviting ball , but it was criminal negligence for the visitors to allow Gary Paterson the time and space to chest the ball down before burying it in the net .
35 We must assume that someone wants to see a recording , otherwise there was no point in recording it in the first place .
36 I tidy and vacuum the sitting room after she 's gone to bed — I do n't see any point in doing it in the morning because it 'll only get messed up again .
37 He said he did n't know what the UK operation would look like after the restructuring but said most resources would be concentrated in Switzerland : ‘ support and marketing is here , so there 's not much point in having it in the UK too . ’
38 Our deductive practice needs no such justificatory shoring up and can not be revised by rational argument , hence there is no circularity in deploying it in the explanation .
39 It is always wise to examine a flower very carefully before placing it in the blotting paper as if it contains any tiny insects they will think they are being provided with a picnic lunch and eat their way through the contents of your press !
40 I stopped about two metres down from the summit and quietly cocked the gun , inspecting the composite steel and nylon pellet before placing it in the chamber and snicking the gun closed .
41 ‘ I just wandered around and watched for a few minutes , to see how things were done , ’ she said over her shoulder , stowing a small block of fresh Parmesan in an airtight container before putting it in the fridge .
42 Soler argued that the higher altitude of the Guadix area ( 900–1100m above sea level ) had prevented cuckoos from colonizing it in the past , as the species seems to favour lowland below 500m ( but see ref. 9 ) .
43 The imposition of a curriculum from above will not mean , if assurance given by politicians is to be believed , that teachers will be prevented from delivering it in the way they think most appropriate .
44 This is a factor which the police are used to taking into account and [ there should be ] no difficulty in weighing it in the balance along with many other factors . ’
45 The first guideline is very important , not only for reducing your weight now but for controlling it in the future .
46 Many businessmen fear that , while Peking may stick to its open door and reform policy in name , officials responsible for implementing it in the southern provinces may lose their jobs as hardliners attempt to tighten their political grip .
47 Since launching it in the late 1980s , Microsoft has sold over 25m copies .
48 Forest manager Brian Clough insists on keeping it in the family after Liverpool boss Graeme Souness had made a move for Nigel .
49 But if the physical violence that Dick Francis writes of so well , without glorying in it , without dismissing it in the way cruder writers do as they allow a hero to leap into action after some terrible beating-up if this does not fire your imagination you can still write suspense novels that will satisfy readers every bit as well .
50 You never come near to suspecting it in the North .
51 Time is regarded as a crucial aspect of experience in English , so that it is virtually impossible to discuss any event in English without locating it in the past , present , or future .
52 The emergence of the stream-of-consciousness novel at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries was obviously related to a huge epistemological shift in culture at large , from locating reality in the objective world of actions and things as perceived by common sense , to locating it in the minds of individual thinking subjects , each of whom constructs their own reality , and has difficulty in matching it with the reality constructed by others .
53 The bird has become very unfit , and the damaged wing is shorter than the other , so I 've been working on moving it in the way the bird would move it in flight , to stretch it .
54 To compel a pupil to obey a teacher makes no sense without placing it in the context of compulsory schooling enforced legally .
55 If the post is a pivotal one , consideration should even be given to advertising it in the local press and community newspapers .
56 There was ‘ Pooper Scooper ’ Watkins , a young woman who insisted not only on picking up her dog 's faeces with a see-through plastic glove , but also on waving it in the faces of passers-by in order to emphasize her ecological soundness .
57 Sam said , ‘ You 'll be taking my sodding job next , ’ without meaning it in the least , and Nolan , bitter-eyed and cursing , saw Tremayne 's warning glare and subsided with festering rancour .
58 But I mean like I did n't think it was worth putting it in The Post to start off with anyway .
59 So we hid it somewhere really good , where nobody 'd think of looking ! — Anyway , it do n't matter about putting it in the bank now , does it ?
60 And I 've gone off making it in the morning .
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