Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pron] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But one thing , on behalf of the museum services , I would like to thank Doreen Griffiths for the help she gave us in our exhibition , ’ Memories of Change ’ , which you can see in the exhibition room over there , and she contributed a lot of photographs , and her memories , and allowed herself to be taped and have her memories in our archive , and for that we give her a great thank , because it 's not always easy for the , sometimes for the first time to begin talking into a tape-recorder , so we thank her very much , and thank you very much for coming in and performing for us today !
2 I just came to make myself au fait with the situation and to garner some information in return for some I give you . ’
3 For this I gave them about 30p , which is rather a lot , & since then they have been running up to me when they see me , offering to polish up my briefcase etc .
4 Eh , first of all they give them champagne so they all get caught drinking and driving ,
5 In the moral optimism informing this play , evil may corrode trust , but it also destroys the healthy functioning of all who give themselves over to it .
6 Ollivier had already been forced to remake his Ministry , which was now weakened by the presence of many who gave him only grudging support , and this in turn forced him to rely more and more on the Emperor 's personal intervention when difficulties arose .
7 ‘ It is times like these which give us all hope , ’ she said .
8 ‘ Ad enuff have you , boy ? ’ he said picking him up and with that he gave them all a brisk wave and disappeared down the steps , closing the hatch quickly behind him .
9 It improved my techniques and skill in interpretation , but above all it gave me confidence in teaching and training students .
10 For instance , when Petrarch met the Emperor Charles IV at Mantua in 1354 he gave him some Roman coins with the words , ‘ Look , Caesar , on those whom you have succeeded ; look on those you should strive to emulate . ’
11 Another winner from those who gave you the world 's best-selling commercial GPS navigator .
12 It was the great fire of London in 1666 which gave him his opening , however , and he became a prominent figure in the rebuilding of the city over the next decade .
13 My grandfather , George Hey ( 1854–1916 ) , worked in a Thurlstone cloth mill as a dresser or finisher when he was a young man , but on the occasion of his second marriage in 1900 he gave his occupation as waggoner .
14 At a meeting of the Royal Medical Society in 1860 he gave his own gloss on the prostitution debate .
15 There are two ways of doing that because in actual fact you could do this o over a period of thirty five to sixty which gives you twenty five years
16 Caring about others less fortunate than ourselves is important and the Christian Aid Committee is most grateful to all who give their time , talents , and money which gives this Festival of Flowers and Music such significance .
17 It has recently been pointed out by Dr J. R. Studd that ‘ one of [ the Lord ] Edward 's greatest problems was his inability to settle lands from his appanage [ of Gascony and the isle of Oléron ] on those who gave him loyal service in a traditional way ’ .
18 That we believe would be repugnant alike to justice , to the public , and , we would suggest , to those who gave their co-operation to the P.C.A. — C.N.L. 's intended witnesses — the very people whose interest is said to underlie the immunity .
19 Not all the congratulatory letters were complimentary , but I 'm just as grateful to those who took me to task or argued with me or lectured me as I am to those who gave me a kind pat .
20 The card belonged to the bank who issued it under a Credit Agreement , regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 , to those who gave what they considered satisfactory answers to the questions put in their application forms .
21 Markus Wolf , the former head of East German intelligence from 1958 to 1987 who gave himself up in 1991 [ see p. 38447 ] , was charged on Sept. 24 with treason , espionage and corruption .
22 Among those which gave me the greatest pleasure I remember the whole of Shakespeare , Shaw 's Androcles and the Lion , and Thornton Wilder 's Our Town .
23 I feel that at 1–0 we gave ourselves a very good chance .
24 At first I gave her oral sex while she was sitting in an armchair and then we had full sex with a condom .
25 And although Lucy made a valiant effort to control her quickening breath , the mad thumping of her heart and the heated excitement rising within her , it was a losing battle — and at last she gave herself up to the rapturous bliss of the moment .
26 So if you wan na split that up into five segments you divide three hundred and sixty by five which gives you ?
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