Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [prep] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So every pitchfork used to come out er one after another as if you had numbers on them you know .
2 Men spoke of that as if it was a heroic thing , but it was Thorkel Fóstri , he found , who had done the actual killing , and his father would n't speak about it at all .
3 And now murder has been done , and you are as guilty of that as if you had struck the blow yourself ! ’
4 We see it in its most obvious form in the interactions between species when one species manages to control the behaviour of another as if it were a puppet .
5 Boy watched all of this as if he was seeing fragments of one , continuous and baffling programme .
6 ‘ You can put one of these on if you like .
7 The entire text and formatting of one document can be inserted into another as if it were a block of text being inserted from elsewhere in the same document ( see Task 12 ) .
8 Next thing they know , all hell breaks loose upstairs : they find their best brass candlesticks snapped in half as if they were toothpicks , and the pot where their dinner is cooking on the hearth fills up with ashes .
9 However what we do n't want er our consultants to get in paranoid about if they do n't get that target .
10 Erm me basic should be forty-three , but I get fifty-five to sixty plus if he 's I get commission depending on if I work late .
11 You see in British Steel we we have seventy thousand deferred pensioners and er it is a group of people that I feel extremely sorry for , because er in nineteen eighty-six British Steel introduced into their pension scheme while it was still in the public sector , retirement at sixty where with a pension credit spaced on length of service , so if you had thirty-five years service in , you could retire at sixty as if you were sixty-five and there was nothing done at all for deferred pensioners and in certainly our submission to British Steel for seeking improvements , we we asked that they er they look at deferred pensioner with a view to paying their pensions at sixty , recognising that it was a very high-class plane that might have to be er achieved in stages .
12 ‘ Not at all as if you 'd just dismounted from a horse .
13 Fearon , his swarthy face as white as a ghost beneath the tan , removed his hard hat slowly , the last to do so , and with an angry look at Green as if he felt the financier had somehow insulted rather than honoured the lifeless form sprawled on the flagstones .
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