Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She said Monday night I , er I do n't know whether we 've done the right thing by booking this holiday she said , I 'm thinking about the travelling in the air , it 'll be in travelling for eleven hours so she said I do n't know how I 'll be , I said it 's no use looking at it like that Alice now
2 We 're on the same side and you know and I know that some of the troops are gon na find that , I , my opinion is that some of the troops will find that hard going for eleven weeks unless they know exactly what the hell they 're supposed to be doing in
3 You may be invited to write for professional journals if you have a book published related to your career area .
4 Thus an expert may need to carry out his own independent investigations if the parties have not submitted adequate material on which to make a decision : and the expert might be liable for professional negligence if he did not do so .
5 Mercifully the traffic progresses for fifty yards before it stalls again , and the Rasta does not pursue her further , but Robyn keeps a nervous eye on her rear-view mirror .
6 John Redwood , a former head of Mrs Thatcher 's policy unit , saw no mileage in his current job as local-government minister if it meant non-stop council-bashing .
7 walking you will continue to support the Anti-Apartheid Movement and the A N C and Cosatu and others in South Africa that our eyes should be on the prize and that is to get democracy and the first democratic parliament in the country and after that to help in the horrendously difficult task of reconstruction and development and it is going to be a tough battle in South Africa as elsewhere and we will need to work not just for political democracy because you know so often democratic processes are misunderstood for empowerment of ordinary people and what democracy should really mean is that ordinary people have the opportunity to determine their own destiny and you know from your own advanced society and others how little power individuals have as a result of power of finance capital , of industry and of technology now .
8 Are there any other suggestions for possible works while we 're on the arrangements and the programme ?
9 The police took his house apart looking for possible clues after she vanished from a leisure centre car park .
10 She 'd learned about that back when she was Jessamyn Amanda and nine-year-olds had been worth a gallon of potable water on the streets of the NoGo .
11 I had doubts about that cover when I saw it because someone on seeing the flag would think it 's a political novel , whereas it 's not .
12 Of course , it was a shame about that incident when she assaulted the headmaster , but he should n't really have laughed at her for being the only child there who does n't take drugs .
13 I always knew there was somefink a bit fishy about that bloke when 'e lodged wiv Florrie .
14 I just worry about that song because I do n't wan na be any part of kids thinking drugs are cooler than they are , 'cos they 're not for everybody .
15 Now do you know , could you do me a favour and tell Wendy about that gust because she 's just just sending them off .
16 What about that pension if you want to pack up before ?
17 But so far , that 's why I chitted at him this morning about that coal because I 've been using this all morning , I 've not been lighting fire till between one and three o'clock .
18 ‘ I played in the 1987 cup final win against Wasps , but I do n't remember much about that game because I got concussed in the opening 10 minutes .
19 But what would happen about that loan if you were unable to meet the repayments ?
20 But what would happen about that loan if you were unable to meet the repayments ?
21 I kept thinking about that reception as I drove blissfully home .
22 I knew nothing about that deal until I played some recent demos of the things that eventually became ‘ Workbook ’ .
23 Admittedly there was only a single bed but that was fine by us ; we kept it warm for each other as we were doing shifts of two hours each .
24 We 're all pulling for each other because we 've all grown up together — from the youth team to the reserves and the first team .
25 Wills II possessed no less than 30 silver trowels , one for each occasion when he laid the foundation stone of a Nonconformist chapel .
26 Clifford always insisted that there must be a real ‘ conversion ’ for each individual although he also thought that the belief in individualism had been pushed too far both in the Church and in society .
27 So I suppose what you do with Debs is er tell them you want the whole discount and I suppose they give you a card for each floor cos you ca n't walk around with it each floor can you ?
28 Make a secret WP test for each character as they enter the area .
29 Again , make a secret WP test for each character as they enter here .
30 Do n't forget to make your chart for each day as you go along .
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