Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [is] still " in BNC.

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1 About £20m of the original money is believed to have been accounted for , although about another £6m is still missing .
2 But new figures next week from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders ( SMMT ) are set to show that demand for commercial vehicles is still pretty flat and what signs there are of recovery are patchy at best .
3 Although the mechanism responsible for this phenomenon is still far from understood , the implications for hydraulic systems and common mechanical devices are significant .
4 Materials production for this technology is still in its early stages .
5 The first British single release for this month is still being debated , but whichever track is picked , Me Phi Me is confident his message is strong enough to be heard the world over .
6 Officials in the Department of the Environment , which have been advocating such a move for some time against the opposition of the Treasury , have indicated that the introduction of differential rates is still some way off , however .
7 Our discussions ranged through the whole spectrum of life , from the sublime to the trivial , and while I do not now remember many of the conclusions that we reached then , the quality of that communication is still with me .
8 But for most Town Halls , by far the vast majority of that information is still translated into a paper format in order for a decision to be made and the action arising from that decision to be implemented .
9 When the story opens the Marquis , Darnay 's father , and his wife are both dead , and the twin brother , Darnay 's uncle , has succeeded to the title and estate ; he proves himself to be even more callous and brutal , beneath a polished surface of ‘ civilization ’ ( his face is ‘ like a fine mask ’ ) , than his brother , and hates his nephew for his liberal principles and determination not to accept the inheritance of the estate whilst the state of French society is still so cruelly inequitable .
10 The memory of its brief period of medieval glory is still a source of inspiration to modern Macedonian nationalists , although their interpretation of its significance has been challenged by Bulgarian , Greek and Serbian historians .
11 Over 30 years ago J H Sheldon , whose 'Social Medicine of Old Age' is still one of the most farsighted and compassionate reviews of the circumstances of older people , described old age as ‘ a quality of mind and body whose time or onset varies from individual to individual , rather than a mere quantity expressed by the term of duration applicable to all . ’
12 This system of weekly payment is still much more prevalent in Britain than in other advanced European countries , and it is so for historical reasons .
13 Although the task for the current system is recognition rather than comprehension , the use of semantic information is still important since it can provide a further level of constraint for selection of the correct word from the candidate words .
14 Our knowledge of the basic natural history of some groups is still lamentable .
15 However , careful analysis shows that the meaning of this provision is still not clear : for instance , does " terminate … and recover … or retain " mean that the seller may either ( 1 ) terminate and recover or ( 2 ) retain , or does it mean that the seller may terminate and either ( 1 ) recover or ( 2 ) retain ?
16 40 years on , linguists , psychologists , engineers , computer scientists know each other better and also have learnt why solving the general version of this problem is still years away .
17 None of these tell us exactly where this house stood but go to great pains to state that a field of this name is still extant .
18 The true nature of this revolt is still obscure .
19 Much of this communication is still through the post .
20 Victorians like George Eliot did not need to be expert in iconography ( the reading of this painting is still disputed ) in order to sense in such interiors a spiritual meaning in material things .
21 The Public Trustee 's office therefore continues to discharge the work it retains , though the volume of this work is still declining , and the administration of the office was in 1988 combined with that of the Official Solicitor .
22 Of course , even if accurately transmitted the reliability of this poetry is still open to doubt .
23 The significance of this observation is still unknown , but it is thought that such larvae may resume development if the adult hookworm population is removed by an anthelmintic or at times of stress such as lactation .
24 Although the tail of this aircraft is still camouflaged. the rest of it has already been painted blue overall .
25 The evidence on social factors related to the course of schizophrenic disorder is still the most valuable information available for prevention .
26 The problem of moral relativity is still a burning issue both
27 The draw of central London is still very considerable , and it is doubtful that the pull of an international rail terminal itself is sufficient to significantly alter patterns of business location The Rail Link would not be sufficient to achieve this change in the image of and prospects for the Lea Valley implied by the Gateways scenario : it may not even be necessary .
28 Much the most coherent explanation for the evolution of such phenomena is still Charles Darwin 's .
29 The last 20 years have witnessed the increase in procedural rights for licence holders or applicants , but the disbursement of such benefits is still subject to irrational distinctions .
30 One of the most extraordinary and well-analysed examples of such transmission is still provided by the so-called dance language of honey bees described so beautifully by Karl von Frisch .
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