Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] that they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Two symbols are therefore used , S indicating a specialist technical contribution and E identifying the person responsible for seeing that they do get together .
2 Powerhouse walked out after complaining that they had been kept waiting for 40 minutes for the court and Components Bureau claimed the points by default and then appealed unsuccessfully against the Scottish Association 's decision to rearrange the fixture .
3 Other UN inspectors in Baghdad have extended their stay beyond the planned departure yesterday , after saying that they had gathered fresh information on Iraq 's ballistic missile programme .
4 After hearing that they had been attending a high school graduation party , they were released by the judge on the condition that they were each driven to their parents ' home exactly as they appeared in court — with only a blanket for
5 Subjects gave written informed consent after ensuring that they had no metal implants or foreign bodies ( metal implants , excluding dental fillings , will degrade the potential images obtained using MRI ) .
6 It is taken for granted that they bring with them their housekeeping skills .
7 But the worst silence of all is when we take it for granted that they know how much they are still appreciated and that the calloused hands or fingers are symbols to us of the love and caring poured into our lives .
8 If I gave them an order to couple up a full line of maybe ten coaches , I would n't take it for granted that they 'd done it , I 'd walk up the coach , one walk up one side , down the other side and I would n't If there were a heating valve not open , if they forgot that you see , I would n't do it for them , I would go back and I 'd say , that S K third from the back end , the heating valve is not pulled down , you 've missed it , you 'd better When you 're up that way , just pull it down you see .
9 All his life , he had taken it for granted that they loved each other to the exclusion of anyone else .
10 She took it for granted that they talked about ‘ the handover ’ .
11 And they have happened as I have wanted , and I have taken it for granted that they have because I know where I 'm going .
12 What has happened is a swings-and-roundabouts operation , whereby last year pensioners received more than the cost of living that they had incurred , whereas this year they will receive less .
13 May we learn to face up to our problems and try to sort them out instead of pretending that they do n't exist or trying to run away from them .
14 ‘ not for the purpose of repining that they had been deprived of the important blessings of hearing and speech , but to manifest their love and gratitude to God for all those other things He permitted them to enjoy . ’
15 Its urgent overall rhythm commands the choreographer to keep the dancers moving forever onwards with greater intensity to the climax , whilst the shorter phrase rhythms give the Chosen Maiden and smaller groups such ways of moving that they hold the audience 's full attention until the fall of the curtain .
16 The kind of teaching that they enjoy , value , and entered the teaching profession to do may no longer be appropriate for many of the classes that they have to take .
17 It was a way of acknowledging that they had left school and would shortly start a more grown-up life .
18 Okay , they 're poor paid , but at least they would have the pride of saying that they 've got a job whereas the elderly are having to just sit at home and turning down their fires and turning down their central heating in case they ca n't afford their bills !
19 As described by one character , this catch-all phrase is ‘ a short way of saying that they do n't claim to find either the ultimate cause or the ultimate cure , but they do know exactly how it functions , and can prescribe accordingly ’ ( 149/151 ) .
20 Some authorities made a point of saying that they did not have a training programme because they depended on courses that presented themselves , e.g. : ‘ We always hope to send staff on courses as they are advertised ’ .
21 there are ways of doing that they do n't do that , you know there 's a thing I
22 I become aware when parts of my body become tense and , more importantly , I know now how to ‘ relax ’ them , and when my body is saying that it has had enough I am able to leave things till tomorrow instead of insisting that they have to be done today .
23 It was a hand sort of saw that they did this ripping of the wood with .
24 The tradesmen had also the satisfaction of knowing that they had saved the cricket club , paying off its debts and placing it firmly on its feet again .
25 If she does not , they will have the consolation of knowing that they did all and more than could have been expected of those unfamiliar with the assistance which the court can give in such situations .
26 So I was able to release these two successfully , and had the satisfaction of knowing that they approved of the site I 'd chosen .
27 We have acquired the habit of assuming that they do n't know what they want , do n't want to decide anything about their own lives and have nothing to contribute .
28 With regard to the latter , it should be noted that many Glasgow deaf church members around that time were very religious and so strongly disapproved of drinking that they formed their own temperance Society , the Glasgow Mutual Improvement Society .
29 They put up spinning-rods , and clutching a can of worms each , set off round the bank , in spite of admitting that they had no authority to do so .
30 ( Of course , no utterances are safe from the post-Freudian trick of claiming that they mean the opposite of what they say , but in the interpretation of literary texts we must be given additional , fairly unequivocal evidence of a discrepancy between speech and meaning , as we are given for Iago , but not for Othello . )
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