Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not all companies , ’ it said , ‘ have the stomach for including goodwill in their losses-on-disposal calculations . ’
2 Below are some guidelines you could give them for using video on their own .
3 Some forty were arrested , refused bail by a puzzled magistrate and sent to spend Christmas in prison for drawing attention to their preference for peace and goodwill rather than nuclear threats towards men .
4 As an illustration of this point , consider the text in ( 3 ) as a dusty fragment , recovered during an archaeological dig in the ruins of Minneapolis in the year 2500 A.D. When asked what the text is ‘ about ’ , the discourse analyst in the expedition might report that it is about ‘ procedures used in mid-twentieth-century American middle-class culture for maintaining cleanliness in their garments ’ .
5 I can see no greater option to empower general practitioners than in practices themselves holding funds for purchasing responsibility for their practice population .
6 She died in 1797 , aged 23 , after giving birth to their fourth child .
7 Henrietta 's frail constitution could not withstand the rigours of childbirth , however , and after seven years of marriage she died soon after giving birth to their son , John .
8 When Fanny died in Florence in 1866 , shortly after giving birth to their only son , the brooch was engraved with a memorial inscription and passed on by Hunt to her sister , Edith , who came out to Italy to look after the baby .
9 But the final cutting edge was missing , with eight of the star-studded United line-up perhaps jaded after playing midweek for their respective countries in World Cup qualifiers .
10 In that sense women have a greater range of strategies for maximizing support at their disposal , although of course their capacity as wage earners in the formal economy has usually been far more limited than men 's .
11 With these general rules in mind , counsellors should carefully assess the potential benefits of using reminiscence in their work with older people .
12 Peasants had shown themselves fully capable of organizing resistance around their traditional village institutions , and their determination to take over the nobility 's land was their own .
13 Sarah and Amanda , who are currently studying a college diploma in advanced professional cookery , also received £5,000 of catering equipment for their college , a five-day study tour to Switzerland , a day at The Savoy Hotel with chef Anton Edelmann , and £300 for themselves .
14 The military arm of the revolution was the workers ' militias , believed by their advocates to be both necessary to defend the revolution and capable of defeating fascism through their members ' commitment to the new society .
15 Particularly in hospital , communicating is the only means patients have of acquiring information about their illness , telling staff of problems , keeping in contact with relatives and relating to other patients .
16 These are the circumstances under which successive Nigerian governments have attempted to indigenize , in the hope of gaining control over their economic and ultimately their developmental destinies .
17 There are also the difficulties of creating a security copy of bound books and of keeping track of their whereabouts with many discrete users and locations .
18 As one rather disillusioned Protestant Unionist put it : ‘ they were a party who believed in their God given right to rule this country ’ and they were not about to give up that right , especially as they could see signs of regaining control of their own party .
19 The explorers also called them ‘ Pierced Noses ’ , since some of the tribe demonstrated a coastal trait of inserting dentalium through their noses .
20 A complex society usually includes a number of microsocieties whose ways of assigning meaning to their actions are not universally nor even very widely shared in the community .
21 ‘ The media were accused of giving excessive publicity to the more intransigent blacks , of reporting inflammatory incidents , of provoking violence by their very presence , and , in one instance , of actually encouraging a rioter to throw a brick ’ ( Paletz and Dunn , 1969:328 ) .
22 At its meeting in January the Scottish Sports Council took the opportunity of paying tribute to their contribution as members of the Council for the past two years .
23 Tin U's remarks , made during a visit by a group of SLORC ministers to the northern city of Mandalay , included a warning of action against people " who attack SLORC and create instability and unrest just for the sake of getting power for their party " , including public servants who were " deceiving " the government by engaging in " political intrigue " .
24 This paper summarises a study of take-up by board schools of training opportunities , and suggests ways of encouraging boards to give training higher priority and of providing support for their efforts .
25 The second explained them as a protest against society by deprived people who saw violent attacks upon the forces of law and order as a way of calling attention to their grievances .
26 The process of sharing information about their own area with another school will also encourage valuable skills of communication , presentation and cooperation .
27 The three or four terms offered to post-graduate students condense the technical work of a three-year course ; on the whole there is greater emphasis on training the voice , movement , acting technique , fencing and dance , etc. since students will presumably have developed a fair amount of performing skill through their university drama departments or societies .
28 In one sense Lewis and Shinwell were simply more aggravated and tougher manifestations of Wilson 's old problem of selecting , or being free to select , the right people to develop and run the union 's local organisation and of retaining control over their activities .
29 However , we fear it is becoming so intense that many members of the Vale of Glamorgan Borough Council 's Planning Committee are in danger of losing sight of their duty to have regard to vital Government planning guidance aimed at protecting the open countryside from unnecessary development .
30 This document read as follows : That we , as representing a large number of the women compositors of Edinburgh , feel that a question affecting a considerable body of women should not be settled without these women having an opportunity of giving expression to their views .
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