Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [adv] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 In his judgment , Lord Justice Dillon rejected Mothercare 's claim for passing off because in particular the book taken as a whole , not merely its title , did not begin to suggest that it had been issued by or sponsored by or was in any way associated with Mothercare .
2 That was the first time I was conscious that before the apocalypse I had never thought of visualising anywhere but in my stomach .
3 It is conceivable that some electors actually misled the pollsters , not in the sense of lying deliberately but in the sense of ‘ letting off steam ’ .
4 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
5 They are written in terms of what the student is able to demonstrate as a result of learning rather than in terms of what a student will have to do to achieve the competences .
6 ‘ . But if rule-following is a practice , which must be public only in the sense of being a way of behaving rather than in the sense of being regulated by a community , how are we to derive from that thought the conclusion that the solipsist 's private language is impossible ?
7 Similarly , people who at some time in the future will require foreign currency ( people such as importers , holiday makers , or those thinking of investing abroad or in foreign securities ) may prefer to wait before exchanging pounds into the relevant foreign currencies if they believe that the sterling price of these currencies is likely to fall ( the pound is likely to appreciate ) .
8 I suggest that they are involved in the sport of shooting rather than in the art of ferreting .
9 The next stage is to set small targets like going past or in the local sweet shop , without buying sweets , before the major trial of waiting in a supermarket queue beside the sweet shelves .
10 I shall not anticipate the arguments here , but it is worth pointing out that in a context of incomes policy , struggles over enterprise policy and operations would assume an increased importance : if wage-determination were conducted on a more centralised basis then the focus of collective bargaining at enterprise level would have to change .
11 Finally in this section , it is worth pointing out that in the first Unit of this course we learnt that organisations which were based on an open system ( where information flowed in and out through a ‘ permeable boundary ’ to its environment and publics and where adjustment was made in the light of feedback ) , were more able to adapt to change and continue to prosper .
12 I have seen the report and am considering its implications carefully , but it is just worth pointing out that in 11 of the past 12 Budgets we have taken steps to encourage employee share ownership to the extent that by the end of March last year about 2.25 million employees had benefited under all employee share schemes and had received options or shares with an initial value of £6.5 billion .
13 It is perhaps worth pointing out that in the past three years we have spent some £350 million on the poorer pensioners .
14 Finally , it is worth pointing out that in some modern societies there is considerable reason to suppose that , as yet , the ego and superego-degradation has gone a lot further then the externalization of the superego functions of the state , but that there is no reason why in these circumstances the externalization process should not rapidly catch up .
15 In each case the pack included the tools needed to carry out the job ; in the case of the paint , a paintbrush and a mug for brewing up and in the case of the shampoo a hair brush and comb set and a towel .
16 ‘ Forgive me for saying so but in East Prussia — Poland , I should say ! — we had our pick of game .
17 Is it that the fraudsters are the only section of society that is going to vote for the Conservatives er at the at the at the next election because certainly er the reputation of the city of London er is going down all the time because of the squalid frauds that are being perpetrated there a and the government is lagging behind er in catching up and in providing an effective regulatory framework er that 's that 's going to deal er with them .
18 In the latter Frodo and his Shire companions play a similar part , though the world they move in has also and in more complex ways been ‘ mediated ’ , turned into a Limbo .
19 Their chief interest was in walking rather than in birds , so we compromised with a day that started near Svartifoss , a waterfall that tumbles between black basalt columns .
20 The greater probability however is that fire will start at low levels before spreading vertically and in the case of occupied buildings an initial attack on a fire with hose-reel equipment may well be successful at a stage before automatic systems have operated .
21 These range from determining exactly where in Europe the lord of an English medieval manor was at a certain date ( for the more senior magnates were often crusaders , pilgrims , legates and diplomatists ) to ascertaining precisely when an eighteenth-century trading agreement with a French merchant was concluded .
22 In the 25th minute , Mark Dunk elbowed Mike Taylor before shooting home and in the 30th minute Stepney netted from an offside position .
23 Malawi has kept a public corporation , and yet there has probably been more direct interference by the government in broadcasting there than in Zambia .
24 If you 're being excluded from the conversation , concentrate on listening supportively and in an interested manner .
25 Goremykin , the premier had become a mere figurehead in charge of no major department , and individual ministers reverted to reporting independently and in haphazard fashion to the Tsar .
26 There are ways of saving money without missing out and in this issue we look at sparkling alternatives to champagne which will add the fizz to the proceedings without breaking the bank .
27 Besides offering help with careers and providing educational information which can extend to working overseas and in the voluntary sector , the centre provides a job placement service .
28 Fforde highlights a key difficulty for his argument by pointing out that in the debates about the issue which dominated Edwardian Conservatism — tariff reform — the Conservative Party developed a language which ‘ employed a great deal of anti- laissez faire rhetoric and espoused policies which involved state expansion ’ .
29 The following month , in the same journal , a swift refutation of these tenets came in the shape of a letter from a consultant histopathologist by name of J.V. Clark , who responds to the last point regarding the relations ' not understanding what is being asked when a postmortem is requested , by pointing out that in all probability funeral directors do not explain the procedure of embalming to the next of kin and , more seriously , maintaining that delay would reduce the maximum benefit of an autopsy and also delay the funeral .
30 One might expand the metaphor further by pointing out that in the interval between the arrival of successive carpets , several of the existing pile would probably have been sold and removed from the succession .
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