Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Even if it is not a must , it is often worth applying as it helps the marker do a better job , in particular because he can use electronic tools to provide data that will aid his judgement .
2 This last point is worth amplifying as it does affect the poetry .
3 Liverpool inevitably became the centre for disputes about rate-capping for excessive expenditure , and then for surcharging when it tried to defy the government over expenditure cuts .
4 In this connexion it is worth remembering that it takes a little longer to change where cymbals are concerned ( owing to the way in which they are held ) but from bass drum to side-drum , triangle , or tambourine , or from any of these to any other , is a matter of seconds .
5 That policy was overturned in two minutes flat but it is worth remembering that it had held sway since the inception of the service areas fifteen years earlier .
6 One problem with dependency reversal is that it tends to take development strategies for granted while it assesses the benefits , or costs , of particular activities .
7 We know how cars work , but we do n't appreciate how our skeletal machinery works ; we just take it for granted that it does . ’
8 ‘ Freedom from party control , as distinct from party commitment , is now so much taken for granted that it requires no affirmation . ’
9 Indeed , in 1781 the philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote a monumental and very obscure work , The Critique of Pure Reason , in which he concluded that there were equally valid arguments both for believing that the universe had a beginning and for believing that it did not .
10 I think its because erm I do n't , I 'm not happy with mine because it it shows signs of ageing and it reminds me that I 'm getting older and I do n't like that
11 If we can never be certain that we have stated every objective we might have , in the clearest form , and with the most practical means of testing whether it has been achieved , this does not mean that we abandon the attempt or that to try one 's best under the circumstances is not a helpful activity .
12 This last provision looks so sweeping that there is a danger of supposing that it has swept away all difference between legal and equitable rights .
13 But the Nikkei Industrial Daily sounds a note of warning for NEC : there are two pitfalls for the company with the current order , it says : the sheer difficulty of running a development project to create the mainframe software that makes up the ‘ Fourth Online System ’ — people involved with the development of Third Online Systems predicted the end of such enormous projects ; and the danger of overlooking the trend towards downsizing because it devotes too much time and too many resources on the project .
14 However , it is not unusual to see pilots take off towards a heavy rain shower on a good soaring day instead of waiting until it has passed .
15 He had never before been accused of stealing and it did not sit well with him .
16 The clay tablets of the Knossos temple archive record such large quantities of produce that it seems as if the temple was at the very centre of the organization of the Minoan economy .
17 Perhaps the charge that attitudinism makes ethics peculiarly irrational is merely a way of saying that it denies that there is such a thing as objective ethical truth .
18 This is just another way of saying that it has 3ml of alcohol in every 100ml .
19 Still hammering away , the Institute has the satisfaction of knowing that it has at last brought home to the Ministry of Health , within whose purview this question comes , that things are not what they ought to be , and Dr Eichholz , who has just retired from the Chief Inspectorate of Special Schools , is at its request making a special enquiry .
20 ‘ It 's a working breakfast which I have no intention of cancelling because it does n't fit in with your selfish plans . ’
21 The offeror must not employ any " strong-arm tactics " to prevent the board of the target from making an announcement or requesting a suspension of listing if it thinks it appropriate .
22 Amiss thought of mentioning that it had tasted like condensed milk with a tea bag waved at it , but felt that might be a slur on Alf 's taste-buds .
23 The importance of context in establishing the boundaries of given and new elements is worth noting because it suggests that analysing written language in terms of given and new is feasible .
24 It is no use having a racket for volleying if it does n't help other parts of your game . ’
25 He questioned whether it would be possible to prosecute them with any chance of success with the present rules of evidence and he would be against proceeding if it meant changing the way in which the courts worked .
26 Erm used for troubleshooting when it does n't start .
27 However , it is worth considering because it does offer , at least in theory , an alternative .
28 The paper quotes Intel 's Dave House saying that the part will initially appear in the promised 66MHz version and a cheaper 60MHz version — Siemens AG is said to have been unable to drive the chip faster than 40MHz with cooling before it burned up .
29 The franchise system was a good way for us to get into thatching as it dispensed with the need to endure a long apprenticeship , gave us a six-month intensive course teaching all the rudiments of thatching , and provided contracts and a source of cheap materials .
30 Discussing a book on Dostoevsky , he remarks that while the author has much of interest to say about The Idiot ‘ she does not quite persuade one that it comes off , indeed she does not really try , because like many scholars today she is more concerned with showing how the thing works than with judging if it works well . ’
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