Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [conj] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The Borough has been penalised by the Government for overspending and now faces charge capping .
2 Just as I 'm wondering if I have time to nip across to silence it , there 's a burst of shouting that nearly jolts it off the table .
3 His inventory provides further technical details of the art of glassmaking and also reveals the extent of his coal-mining interests .
4 Any level of drinking that adversely affects someone 's work performance is likely to damage your business .
5 Meconium is the foal 's faecal material that has built up in the rectum before foaling and sometimes gets quite firm and impacted and must be passed within the first 24-hours of life .
6 Old Dundalk is the class horse in the race and was very impressive in victory at Marks Tey , but he has a mind of his own when it comes to racing and much depends on his current mood !
7 One typical outcome is that the reference strip ( which is what is used for the diagnostic ) is seen as too big due to spreading and then overflows its allotted area .
8 An area of corporate discretion traditionally less constrained by bargaining relates to the nature of the work experience : whether , for instance , employees are allowed to participate in decision-making at appropriate levels in the organisation ; whether attempts are made to enrich otherwise boring jobs by rotation of tasks ; or whether the introduction of new technology leads to de-skilling or instead prompts investment in the acquisition of new competencies .
9 Tell Tony 's gon na leave but actually has a go at me as well .
10 As Zachar ( 1982 ) has described , the poor cohesiveness of loess soils , due to the paucity of binding colloids , means that they are characterised by high erodibility which is made worse by leaching that rapidly removes cations like calcium and magnesium .
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