Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [prep] it the " in BNC.

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1 Our generation must take on the task of thinking about the future , of assuming towards it the responsibility that we assume towards our children .
2 The complication has been that because last year 's trading profits were lower than expected we did n't have any taxable profits against which to claim back this A C T so as this would be the first year in which taxable profits would arise unless we 'd not been unless we 'd been able to find some other way of dealing with it the A C T which we pay would not have been recoverable till January ninety five .
3 Where the Ministry of Defence has occupied land for generations or even for centuries , will my hon. Friend ensure that in disposing of it the Ministry will work as closely as possible with local authorities to ensure that it is developed consistently in accordance with the wishes of local people ?
4 Before moving into it the family had lived with Sally 's grandparents and it had been very cramped .
5 This ‘ conventional ’ behaviour is described with scare quotes because it is not clear that one would be justified in reading into it the constellation of reciprocal beliefs and intentions that someone like Lewis takes as constitutive of conventional behaviour .
6 Most people have experienced directly or through reading about it the business of opinion research .
7 Nineteenth-century liberalism was to inherit hostility to religious charity without substituting for it the planned charity of the state .
8 In his very first book his admonitions about the indiscriminate use of stock , even of fine stock , were news , and good news : Do not spoil the special taste of the gravy obtained in the roasting of beef , veal , mutton or pork by adding to it the classical stock which gives to all meats the same deplorable taste of soup .
9 By 1939 he had strengthened Beechams by adding to it the firms which manufactured Macleans toothpaste and powders , Eno 's fruit salts , and the hair preparation Brylcreem .
10 The effect or their legislative changes , however , was to initiate the dismantling of the Poor Law from without , by withdrawing from it the most obviously deserving groups , though in accordance with principles little different from those of the Poor Law .
11 In the f and ff it helps the tuba to combine with the trombones by imparting to it the ‘ edge ’ which it otherwise lacks .
12 They 're afraid of their fears and they feel that by talking about it the children will actually have more problems , so children , being very aware of the adults ' fears , will not talk .
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