Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pron] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I should have known that no amount of understanding can carry any individual for long against the swirling crowds of social existence , and that soon after rejoining them I too should be stampeding with them .
2 No , you 've got ta give it me back , I 'm gon na .
3 Goal planning is the act of deciding what you really want to do and then how you will go about doing it .
4 Every teenager goes through a period of deciding who he really is .
5 In other words not sitting there and asking people to , erm people in authority , erm sort of people of influence , ask them what they think , but actually going out and visiting people and groups , and I was going to ask whether this would be copied to the women 's sub-committee , because there are many , many groups of women who never have a chance of saying what they really want , and I do n't mean patients , I mean potential users of the health service .
6 Fear of losing what we never had in the first place .
7 ‘ I have no intention of giving you anything apart from one little word … goodbye !
8 The more I think on it the more I see that this cruel sentence may yet be turned to advantage and may be God 's way of effecting what I most desire and have been unable to bring about .
9 I had flashes of recall so many times seemed to be on the verge of knowing who I really was .
10 However , in this small , shabby , smoke-filled room visitors could be sure of finding someone they either knew or wanted to talk to .
11 As usual social workers must be at the forefront of confronting what everyone else — including the Secretary of State — prefers to ignore .
12 and he said I have to admit I did n't act on your phone call and I felt like braining him I really did
13 And for thirty years I and my fellow teachers , as we went back to our classrooms , have said to ourselves , ‘ Well , back to reality ’ ’ , and had gone on doing just what we had been doing all along , which was to try to bribe , scare or shame children into learning what someone else had decided they ought to know .
14 When he was a child , an artist visited his school — he happened to be a musician — and left behind him an impression of a man very clearly committed to his chosen subject , and a feeling of passion for doing something you really want to do , that stayed with Paul for years until he finally decided to become a photographer .
15 I love colour and find great delight in translating what I actually see into different colours .
16 So lawyers as well as politicians have been very much involved in defining what it actually means .
17 Upon meeting them you instantly see what they look like , and quickly observe their facial expressions , gestures and body language .
18 Thus the intrinsic value of something follows from its intrinsic nature , so that nothing exactly like it could be of a different intrinsic value , while yet it is not one of the features one could properly list in indicating what something else would have to be like to be just like this thing .
19 They thought I had made a huge mistake in getting rid of the old collection in preference for collecting what they unanimously regarded as ‘ junk ’ .
20 As the years pass , she says , without realising it we gradually lose the ability to breathe the right way .
21 To identify classes you have to go back to the intentional properties of individuals — to the judgments , desires and aspirations which are essential to explaining what they then do in the class struggle .
22 Work would already have started on improving what we already believe to be one of the country 's most modern and safe grounds .
23 These days I wear what I like without caring what anybody else thinks .
24 " When we shift from saying something to reporting what someone else said , we are changing our footing .
25 Established companies , concentrating on defending what they already have , tend not to counter-attack when a newcomer challenges them .
26 Like Michael Jackson , he seems intent on recreating something he never had .
27 ‘ I ca n't sleep without telling you what really happened . ’
28 Informant , you do n't say gon na give her one there .
29 are they gon na give it us then , when they 've got it ?
30 I 'm not gon na give it you now !
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