Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Land that is cultivated or grazed intensively near the croft is often referred to as inbye to distinguish it from common grazings and more distant fields .
2 Thus from a very narrow and restricted expression there has been drawn a very wide and unrestricted principle , all based on the assumed purpose of Parliament and the perceived absurdity of seeking to effect it by the language in which Parliament actually chose to express it .
3 Ken kept his sheet music in the one he had constructed in the small back bedroom , so fear of splashing kept it on the whole unused .
4 Beales said : ‘ I was sure you would say that , but I 've taken the precaution of declining to give it to your men .
5 She thought of staying to nurse it in bed , but then remembered her promise to Felicity Suvarov and made herself get up .
6 How the whole process is cheaper and easier than your probably imagine , and with our state of the art equipment there 'll be no danger of having to replace it in years to come .
7 If only people would realize that all she wanted was freedom : freedom to think and act for herself , freedom to let life happen to her , instead of having to shape it to her parent 's expectations .
8 But there are big problems that arise there because of this practice of having leave it to my spouse if she survives twenty eight days .
9 Much of the energy of the press and television fraternity was devoted to battling for access to news material , sometimes involving conflicts within news ‘ pools ’ and sometimes between news-gatherers and the military , as when the Iraqi government expelled most journalists or the French agency AFP was reported to be bringing a lawsuit against the Pentagon , which AFP accused of having excluded it from the pools .
10 Y'know , instead of trying to explain it to people all the time .
11 Most chaps in my time would n't dream of trying to lord it over their girl .
12 Have you had successes in the past using this method of , of trying to bring it to public attention ?
13 I even thought of trying to grab it from her but she put it away in the drawer where she kept it and stood in front of it .
14 Well it 's it 's like you trying to say you 're gon na boil a pan of potatoes and you 've got ta keep turning it off every two minutes , cos it 'll be getting too hot !
15 At least the members of the BCRS can pat themselves on the back for having used it at least once in 1989 !
16 I think , I think that last erm break in has done it to death has n't it ?
17 She 'd gathered the fragrant blooms from a tub outside on the narrow balcony and deeply inhaled its sweet perfume before deciding to wear it in her hair .
18 Although the original intention had been to formally assess the new curriculum before deciding to extend it to the rest of the school , various forces came into play to ensure that by 1987 the entire 160 strong intake was studying the new pathway course .
19 The danger lies in not recognising it , or in attempting to deny it to ourselves .
20 My Lord in saying doing it in another case which is an arbitration
21 ‘ Maybe that is true , but I ca n't see how it will deter a side which has superior scrummaging from trying to use it in such a situation ’ , said Ken Rowlands , the WRU director of refereeing .
22 ‘ I do n't think there 'd be much point in trying to explain it to you now . ’
23 The answer , as far as Lucy was concerned , was that she was a more fragile flower altogether , but if that was not obvious to Barlow there was no use in trying to explain it to him .
24 The tremendous variation in the experiences of First , Second and Third World countries in terms of income , population , foreign trade , resources , quality of life and blocs might lead the faint-hearted to conclude that the global system either does not exist or that it is so hopelessly complex that there is no point in trying to conceptualize it at all .
25 If ever German society was to collapse , argued a writer in 1855 , it would be because the middle classes had begun to pursue appearance and luxury ‘ without seeking to counterbalance it with the simple and hard-working ( competent ) sense of the bourgeois [ Buergersinn ] , with respect for the spiritual forces of life , with the effort to identify science , ideas and talent with the progressive development of the Third Estate ’ .
26 Even to him it was now barely imaginable , and other eagles he mentioned it to seemed to take it as a lie and untruth , and were angry at him for trying to delude them .
27 The constant references to … to what you believe of me — ’ Maria halted fleetingly , abandoning the pointless once more , and then said the only thing he really needed to hear , simply and directly , without attempting to clothe it in sophistication .
28 But you 'd to me you do n't you do n't turn to stealing to do it for a one off .
29 A text description of the item(s) covered by the record should allow the information to be both recorded and retrieved without having to split it between several records .
30 If , for example , we knew what animals with neocortices could do that species lacking them could n't do we would know something about the cortex without having to ablate it in a single animal .
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