Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] would be in " in BNC.

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1 The purpose is clearly to determine whether any other forms of intervention would be in the child 's best interests .
2 Once again the period of hypnosis itself will take only about twenty minutes , after which we will decide what the best form of homework would be in the particular circumstances .
3 Are you saying that greenfield development on the edge of York would be in the greenbelt as you have defined it in the deposited local plan .
4 Although the law explicitly allowed judges to be members of political parties , it was felt that suspension of involvement would be in keeping with the court 's function to provide independent rulings .
5 RAIL fares would rise by 40pc and thousands of jobs would be in jeopardy under privatisation , a top union leader claimed yesterday .
6 I 'd have thought an organisation like Amnesty would be in the forefront of anti-sexism , but I 've come across sexism before where I would expect an enlightened attitude ( eg Greenpeace )
7 It was intimated that future UN Security Council unanimity over action against Iraq would be in peril if the USA was seen to be protecting Israel .
8 A short time ago , it would have been difficult to imagine that the Conservative Party in Parliament would be in open revolt against bishops of the Church of England .
9 The effect would be similar to something like and they did in fact publicize it in English , except that the verb in Arabic would be in theme position ( literally : qad publicize-they-it in fact ) .
10 An AXA executive confirms that the French insurer wants to invest in UNI , pointing out that gaining a foothold in Scandinavia would be in line with AXA 's strategic aim of becoming a global insurer .
11 ‘ The boat will not have proper insurance cover because he does not have the correct safety certificates and if there was an accident or the boat sank , everybody on board would be in trouble . ’
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