Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] which [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 In Glasser 's book , and in Fraser 's , the activities of the poor can be seen as activities which had been performed , and written about , in the past : but these are books which intimate that the lists and specifications of a caring naturalism — features by which they have indeed been influenced — were never exhaustive : that the truth-tellers did not tell it , and that the omissions were systematic .
2 For the mass of ‘ non-organized ’ Germans , the ‘ Hitler myth ’ functioned through the stimulation of popular acclaim — recurrent but always temporary — fur faits accomplis , for coups which had been brought about , successes already attained , rather than for a clear set of policies in train .
3 During this period Churchill took over the coal negotiations and displayed a vigour for settlement which had been entirely lacking in the Prime Minister .
4 Republican candidate Thomas Ewing on July 2 secure election to the House of Representatives seat for Illinois which had been left vacant by the appointment , confirmed in March , of Edward Madigan as Secretary for Agriculture .
5 Almost equally important was the ending , by a series of agreements in 1745 , 1773 and 1790 , of a struggle for influence which had been going on for generations between the Reichskanzlei ( Imperial Chancery ) under its hereditary head , the Elector of Mainz , and the Hofkanzlei ( the Chancery of the Habsburg hereditary lands ) .
6 After the morning service there was a brisk walk home for lunch which had been prepared and cooked on the Saturday .
7 The campaign over the contagious diseases legislation aggravated and made explicit the tensions between male and female hierarchies of expertise which had been present in the alliance between medics and lady philanthropists from the 1850s .
8 A straight , imposing avenue was required to link the palace with the north-south axis of roads which had been Bucharest 's traditional main line of communication .
9 He had not had the burden of responsibility which had been placed on Jonadab 's shoulders .
10 On that occasion he had a special reason — though an odd one — for his refusal : he was fully occupied with the duty of defence which had been entrusted to him by the king .
11 By the end of the seventeenth century the chaotic medley of titles which had been used in earlier generations to describe diplomats of different ranks had been reduced to a simpler system which in its main lines was accepted by most states .
12 In one condition he showed them a series of objects which had been bought from a joke shop : a piece of rubber cheese , a chicken 's egg made of stone , and so forth .
13 Strangely , it also sliced through the air of unreality which had been preventing Vologsky from facing the real issues .
14 Barbarossa 's initial aim was to unify Germany , and settle a number of conflicts which had been weakening the realm .
15 As to 1 , the court took a rule of liability which had been more or less clearly perceived in connection with the escape of fire , cattle or unruly beasts , and extended it to the escape of mischievous things generally .
16 They had stolen my good oilskins , but the thieves had never found my small stash of money which had been hidden in a redundant sea-cock , nor had they found the old Webley.455 revolver that I had hidden deep in Masquerade 's bilges .
17 It was the year when Mao Tse-Tung took final control of the Chinese mainland , despite the $3 billion of aid which had been lavished on Chiang Kai-Shek .
18 This desirable attitude dated from the days of the Victorian foundation of the system when dispersal of books which had been bought with ratepayers ' money would have seemed like culpable negligence .
19 Then he extracted the cassette , hauling out the length of tape which had been recording and stuffed both items in his jacket pocket .
20 Moreover , they undoubtedly claimed the disafforestment of districts which had been put out of the forest during the reign of Stephen , and subsequently reclaimed by Henry II .
21 Traders and craftsmen , who provided goods for the troops and the King 's Court , built their houses on the sloping tail of rock which had been protected from erosion when slowly passing ice sheets had scraped at the valley floor .
22 In his last visit to North Korea , Ceauşescu had been able to see the thirty-storey concrete pyramid in the centre of Pyongyang which had been built under the inspiration of the Dear Leader , Kim Jong Il ( albeit from an original idea by George Orwell ) .
23 Lincolnshire County Council had already introduced a pre-ERA scheme of delegation which had been used to fund much of its secondary education .
24 It was summer , and he walked around the beautiful gardens alone , admiring the beds of shrub-roses which had been laid out here as they had been in Josephine Bonaparte 's gardens at Malmaison .
25 He flew to Holyhead in a helicopter from the Queen 's flight and then on to Anglesey for a series of visits which had been arranged months in advance .
26 It is understood that the deal had been held up by the Bank of England which had been seeking some form of ‘ comfort ’ from Bank of Edinburgh 's largest minority shareholder , Scottish Amicable , with 39.2 per cent , effectively asking it to stand behind depositors and take a more active role .
27 It was an unemotional summary ; Rostov thought that it hid well the bitterness which he felt towards Irina 's kin for their concerted opposition to her marriage , for the years of separation which had been achieved by her father 's influence with the Navy Board and , not least , for the extent to which Alexei 's upbringing had been influenced by the rigid infrastructure of the Court .
28 Students would go out from college with great boxes of equipment which had been made very simply and inexpensively , using local , natural materials wherever possible .
29 More notably , however , at the Chichester Theatre in 1983 he rescued the reputation of A Patriot for Me , John Osborne 's tragi-comedy of homosexuality which had been banned after its first performance in 1965 .
30 The handles of knives were frequently made of two pieces riveted together , but the alder-wood handle of a knife from Christchurch ( Hampshire ) was one piece of wood which had been forced over the pointed tang ( Jarvis et al .
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