Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] as [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All workshops are suitable for beginners as well as those who have some experience .
2 Poet , novelist and broadcaster Michele Roberts conducts a poetry workshop for beginners as well as more experienced writers .
3 The HelpDesk Request screen provides Client History and Inventory buttons which will allow us to view past specific requests for support as well as the configuration of the machine on which the problem was experienced .
4 This meant she had to help patients with personal hygiene , dressing and un-dressing them , and assisting in feeding them ; she also got involved in weighing patients , taking samples and temperatures , and helping prepare patients for operations as well as making snacks and beds .
5 As in Eyre 's ( 1987 ) study , clearance is for agriculture as well as lumber , and coffee growing is increasing to produce an export crop and bring in foreign exchange .
6 They made peaces , and created a fragmented Peace ( fragile and ungoverned ) from a series of bilateral contracts between groups as well as by reciprocal threats .
7 This approach has the advantage of taking into account the individual 's perception of health but it suffers from a variety of weaknesses : certain stigmatising illnesses may be under-reported , the threshold of pain can vary between groups as well as between individuals , and the phrasing of questions can affect the outcome of such estimates .
8 But the sign acts as shield as well as pointer .
9 I have seen a kingfisher here and a survey of the pond has shown it to be very important for invertebrates as well as amphibians .
10 Isay helped him dress for the banquet that evening , showing no resentment at having to double as valet as well as bodyguard .
11 The cost of recharging the Super Dustbuster is minimal : it uses less than half the amount of electricity used by a light bulb , so it 's good value for money as well as being environmentally friendly .
12 Another letter from the middle school was about a visiting theatre group and asked for money as well as a tear-off slip .
13 Little wonder then that those who seek peace ( that is the absence of violence ) between nations as well as within them should look to law as a means of regulating and reducing the international use of force .
14 Chevenement was actually given responsibility for industry as well as research just under a year ago .
15 They are usually well-disposed towards researchers and are good subjects for interview as well as questionnaires .
16 The knightly art of fighting on horseback , particularly with lances , was an extremely difficult discipline to master — for horse as well as rider .
17 It is important to remove carnivorous animals such as centipedes as soon as you see them , otherwise they will rapidly eat the remainder of your catch .
18 It was also a problem for David as well because he was n't getting any gigs and he was n't doing any recording work .
19 Science and technology need a focus for investment as well as funds .
20 Other radio ‘ names ’ who visited Windrush included the veteran E.V.Young , an exemplary performer , Frank Vyvyan , the English actor , and his wife Gladys who worked with Hilda Wilson in the CBC executive offices , Bill Buckingham , a versatile actor on many shows and his lovely actress wife Doris , Al Pearce , the perfect straight man , Cathy Graham , whom I admired very much for talent as well as personality , Bernard Braden , Barbara Kelly and John Drainie .
21 Yes , sir , but this is an aircraft aimed at people more accustomed to Bonanzas , Mooneys and Trinidads , people who fly for pleasure as well as business .
22 ‘ They 'll have this wood chopped down for Beanos as soon as you can say market forces . ’
23 ‘ It would be different for Jeff as well if he had a job here , but he 's just on holiday .
24 Their exploits have been greatly exaggerated by Burmese writers , but I do n't think British writers have adequately recognised the courage demanded to revolt , or possibly we have been jealous for the unswerving loyalty through defeat as well as victory of Karens , Kachins and Chins .
25 The Holy Spirit guides us through discernment as well as by signs .
26 Would there be a fee involved , I mean I ask not only for me but for Ivan as well since he lives in Devon .
27 I took notice of him 'cause he knew everything about football as well as boxing .
28 Before he became head groundsman Mr. Offer was a farm manager and won many prizes for stock as well as prizes for the best kept farm .
29 The sum is this : that varieties of association are excellent good for books as well as bookmen .
30 The stress on choice between covers as well as between titles tends to reinforce the ‘ end of ideology ’ thesis which underpinned the selection , for instance , of The Independent as a fitting title for a ‘ mould-breaking ’ , ‘ tycoon-proof ’ paper of the 90s .
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