Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Chairman then brought the Meeting to a close with thanks to all who had attended and an expression of hope that with the support of an enthusiastic and growing membership the Society would continue to prosper during the coming year .
2 Indeed such is the number and effect of these abrogations of privilege that in the view of the editors of the latest edition of Cross on Evidence , 7th ed. ( 1990 ) , p. 427 , this should give pause for thought on the part of anyone who regards the privilege as a fundamental principle of English law .
3 In the twentieth century , much of this open country has been put under another alien regime — huge shrouds of conifers that during the 1980s gave tax relief to absentee entrepreneurs and speculators .
4 Bede says of the episcopal authority of Bishop Wilfrid in the reign of Oswiu that it embraced Northumbrians and Picts as far as the power of Oswiu extended ( HE III , 3 ) , and the Life of Wilfrid that in the reign of Ecgfrith it widened still further so that Wilfrid was bishop of the Saxons ( that is , the Northumbrians ) in the south and the Britons , Scots and Picts in the north ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 21 ) .
5 The finding of archaeology that over the last five thousand years men of the most diverse civilizations have invariably set the highest values on substances which , however attractive aesthetically , were nevertheless useless for purposes of daily life , coincides with the observation of North American society during the last quarter of the nineteenth century made by Thorstein Veblen and embodied in his classic book The Theory of the Leisure Class , originally published in 1899.5 Although composed with the animus and spleen of a man condemned by his personality to a life of persistent failure , Veblen produced a book hilarious in style but of quite brilliant perversity .
6 So if the revenue had refused in the exercise of their discretion to make the repayment they did in the present case I am of opinion that in the absence of any other remedy it would have been open to Woolwich to claim repayment in proceedings for judicial review , and there would appear to be no reason why such proceedings would not have been successful .
7 Ron Garrick , managing director of Weir Group , the Glasgow-based engineering concern , argues : ‘ There is a lot of evidence that in the world 's most successful economies the obvious example is Japan — there is a strong correlation between growth in manufacturing and overall growth . ’
8 I mean I think the first is that the kind of evidence one picks up , none of it on its own can be considered , I think , to be totally objective or totally valid , but what it does is it builds up a part of a picture and gradually different sorts of evidence build up a rather more complicated , rather more perhaps accurate picture of a situation , and it 's really the cross-checking of different kinds of evidence that in the end gives the thing some kind of validity .
9 It is rather terrible to think how unforgiving the world can be and how willing to inflict continuous torture on account of a single piece of behaviour that without the political element and the adventitious addition of one or two other elements would have faded into obscurity in no time at all .
10 Nobody seems to have put astronomy near chemistry ; and the trouble with all series is that progress often seems to happen on the frontiers of sciences that on the philosopher 's map seem as far apart as Finland and Portugal .
11 Such clichés fill her first speech of welcome to Wilekin with a set of offers that for the reader and writer are ironically naive in the context of which we are aware : ( " If you like , come and sit , and what your will is , let me know , my dear life .
12 Here Gehlen collected up the thousands of spools of microfilm that over the years he had painstakingly amassed as part of his record of Russian intelligence .
13 It has become a sad fact of life that during the months that follow Christmas even more animals require food and shelter as they have , through no fault of their own , outgrown their novelty attraction .
14 Now this was , really , rather a low-key introduction to a whole new way of life that at the moment is sweeping through the United States and is on our doorstep .
15 For originally , Gothic was one of the number of aesthetic developments which serve to breach the classical and rational order of life , and to make possible a kind of response , and a response to a kind of thing that among the knowing had long been taboo .
16 It is a matter of history that as the 1980s drew to a close , a few extra HSTs to cope with the unprecedented levels of business by now on offer would have been very welcome .
17 It is a persistent complaint of runners that in the drive to innovate with new models , manufacturers frequently discontinue their favourite shoes .
18 Now it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that during the intervening twenty-five years the lord had bought out most of the freeholds , which , with few exceptions , must have been very small , and might just be identified with the sixteen ‘ Farme Landes ’ .
19 But even as she deliberately shut him from her thoughts , it struck her with an icy sense of unease that over the past week something rather worrying had happened .
20 In 1986 , J. Hillis Miller , than whom no one is better placed to judge , told the Modern Language Association of America that by the mid-1980s critical theory had shifted from invoking ‘ language ’ as a prime foundational term to a cluster of words which included ‘ history ’ , ‘ politics ’ , ‘ society ’ , and ‘ culture ’ .
21 Again and again the book got across Diana 's point of view that behind the hallowed institution of the monarchy exists a family incapable of accepting outsiders .
22 It is worthy of note that in the Magistrates ' Court the separate functions of the judge and jury are both performed by the magistrates .
23 It is a matter of fact that over the past 12 months , Hinkley B has out-performed Hunterston B and Heysham 2 has performed better than Torness .
24 It is it is it 's a statement of fact that in the ten years preceding the time er when that comment was written , which was in the er mid-eightie mid-eighties , erm that had been the case , that 's absolutely true .
25 What is more , we have sought to identify areas of disability that in the past have not had the attention that they deserve , and to meet them with the new benefits .
26 After this she returned to the house hoping against hope that in the interval her daughter might have returned , but there was no sign of her .
27 Governments were weak , ideological divisions great : in the press apparent pluralism masked what the left termed ‘ a financial oligarchy ’ ; banks and industry and other ‘ forces of capitalism ’ controlled newspapers , including titles that in the inter-war years veered to the right ; press barons diversified into radio — as did their successors , often illegally , a half-century later .
28 Subsequently , the victor fell so in love with Russia that in the late 1980s he sought to buy a flat in Moscow .
29 Delving into the local history of the area , I discovered with amusement that in the early 1850s a certain superintendent of the then London & Birmingham Railway works at Wolverton had designed a fast new locomotive .
30 Thus doctors agreed with scientists that for the sake of the welfare of the race , women 's intellectual development and range of activities should be severely curtailed .
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