Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 The business community rallied to him for fear that Duke 's election would scare off tourism and outside investors .
2 Mr Branson pulled out after news that Dan-Air 's financial situation could be a lot worse than expected .
3 The City also reacted positively to the news with the pound edging ahead after relief that Britain 's trade position had not deteriorated with the EC .
4 It produced smooth , bland sheets of text that Anna 's publishers greatly preferred to the characterful efforts of her previous old portable .
5 However , it is in his treatment of ideology that Gramsci 's legacy has been most pervasive and where he is the unmistakable precursor of all the Marxist and post-Marxist theorists we now proceed to discuss .
6 It 's indicative of that enfeebled culture of opposition that Labour 's insecurity prevents intelligent and thoughtful politicians from airing their reservations and doubts in public .
7 In a memorandum in that month of crisis the Ministry of Defence apparently for the first time addressed the issue of the foreign exchange costs of existing policy , in response to the claim by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the end of July that Britain 's overseas military expenditure was running at £140 million p.a .
8 Sir Philip Sidney 's argument in The Defence of Poetry that poetry 's didactic superiority rested in its ability to both teach and delight is an example of a belief in the superiority of eloquent as opposed to plain language as the vehicle for communicating serious issues .
9 Thus we have Macdonald reporting on the " almost unanimous chorus of opinion that women 's work as compositors is so inferior to men 's that it does not pay in the long run " ( the chorus in question being from employers ) But the testimony of individual employers is far from unanimous or even consistent .
10 It was small and skinny , and dressed very oddly in a pair of knee length britches and a shirt in such a violent and vivid conflict of colours that Weasel 's fastidious eye was offended even in the half-light .
11 This matter is important partly because of the particular status in religious thought of ideas that God 's existence can be ‘ proved ’ .
12 Sam 's boat was one of the last to sail in between the old forts , and Harry , who was standing at the end of the stone quay in order to crow over the birth of his son and demand payment of his winnings , saw with a twinge of jealousy that Gristy 's ketch was well down in the water .
13 The French opposition may be described as right-wing but coporatism runs deep in France , so there 's no chance of any new government being so radical as to privatise France Telecom : the state phone company is not on the list of firms that France 's centre-right opposition may privatise if , as polls suggest , it wins March 's parliamentary elections , former president Valery Giscard d'Estaing said — Giscard , leader of the UDF party , told a news conference that all companies operating in the competitive sector of the economy would be candidates for privatisation , but that France Telecom , and nationalised transport and energy monopolies , would not .
14 In any case , there is a still stronger piece of evidence that Edmund 's popularity in Cnut 's day was connected with the recent past .
15 The combined effect of Perot cutting into Clinton 's support and of evidence that Bush 's standing in the polls was showing some signs of improvement rejuvenated the President 's campaign in the final days of the contest and forced the Democrats to concede that the election could be much closer than had earlier been thought likely .
16 His Magic Flute for the Welsh National Opera , which introduced him to British audiences in 1979 , avoided the sort of in-jokes that Mozart 's pop entertainment often elicits ( authentically enough , as Schikaneder was a Rowan Atkinson figure ) .
17 If the blasting of Bristol City is anything to go by the United fans are in for a high old time … a dazzling display from Chris Allen … two penalties from Jimmy Magilton … and first for Alex Dyer was just the sort of start that manager 's dream about …
18 If the blasting of Bristol City is anything to go by the United fans are in for a high old time … a dazzling display from Chris Allen … two penalties from Jimmy Magilton … and first for Alex Dyer was just the sort of start that manager 's dream about …
19 It is , however , increasingly felt by members of CITES delegations and the many observer groups from the world of conservation that Lapointe 's position is becoming untenable and he will be forced to resign — probably before the next CITES meeting , expected to be held in 1992 .
20 A burst of hyperinflation that Pilkington 's mathematicians reckon hit 73 million per cent per annum .
21 A burst of hyperinflation that Pilkington 's mathematicians reckon hit 73 million per cent per annum .
22 It is also consistent with the data on transits of Mercury that Parkinson 's team used as evidence for the constancy of the solar radius ; according to their data any change has to be smaller than 0.15 seconds of arc per century .
23 Four months after the centenary celebrations and they still pour forth P though in truth we have had plenty of warning that Gavrilov 's contributions were on the way .
24 It is against this background of rejection that Leapor 's celebrations of friendship must be understood .
25 It is also of significance that Mason 's effects were most apparent with novel strings of letters .
26 Marshall 's flax business declined after his death and closed down altogether in 1886 , but the building remains standing ( and occupied ) as a monument to the slight attack of megalomania that Yorkshire 's textile industry went through in the nineteenth century .
27 The move came amid reports that Iraq 's success in initiating its post-war reconstruction programme might have been assisted by systematic sanctions-busting by some countries .
28 Locke 's late seventeenth-century confidence in reason represented precisely the sort of view that Wesley 's eighteenth-century religious revival was designed to subvert .
29 She took one last glance at the window above to see Maria Luisa with her palms flat against the window-pane , desperately , mutely pleading with Ruth for help with eyes so full of pain that Ruth 's nerves nearly snapped .
30 Among other things , Peter wanted to enjoy the brief sensation of power that Coleby 's offer had given him .
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