Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] i could not " in BNC.

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1 For hours I could n't put those dreadful cries out of my mind and I imagined that with every breath my own stomach was swelling and about to burst .
2 For day after day I could n't even keep water down .
3 Eventually it seemed it was only I who ever thought about that still , cold morning , recalling in my dreams that cry and that hand held out to me for help I could not , would not give , and the silence that followed Andy disappearing under the ice .
4 ‘ That 's illegal , ’ said Malpass , but as he was in the back of Armstrong I could n't see if he was serious or not .
5 Mummy is there and I 'd thought she was in good hands but of course I could n't visit her as often as I 'd like while earning my megamillions .
6 Yes , and they asked me what I was laughing at ; and of course I could n't say their son-in-law was so ugly , so I said :
7 Of course I could n't see either of them , but I could hear them , and I imagined the rifleman peering into the ditch .
8 I have n't got that , and of course I could n't run your version of setver unless I had setver cos it would say incorrect DOS version .
9 Of course I could n't ! ’ she said with irritation .
10 How right you are Mr Deputy Speaker , of course I could n't go into this because it 's out of order but on the other hand I would simply say to the honourable gentleman if he looks at the basic policies , the basic flaw of the E C is it ca n't solve problems and all these new M E Ps we 're thinking of sending over I think we should bear in mind the problem , they 're going over to something where problems ca n't be solved .
11 Of course I could not apply for leave until I knew when Leslie would get his .
12 And of course I could not .
13 But of course I could not simply refuse to co-operate , could not walk out , could not leave poor Clements without doing my best for him .
14 In the sea of pebbles I could n't see the bolts — so much for environmental concerns — but fortunately it was easy climbing .
15 Supposing we was over there in America for the beginning of July I could n't go .
16 But when I put on Love of Colours I could n't lie still .
17 If you are interested in such matters track his words down , for they are succinct and carry a weight of authority I could not possibly hope to emulate .
18 My main research technique , participant observation , was coupled with informal interviews to learn about the past and about areas of life I could not observe .
19 When I came out of hospital I could n't walk , I could n't pick up my son …
20 I mean , this is why Hollywood you know can make a lot of money out of some pretty horrifying movie , the th the kind of thing I could n't go to see er cos I get the willies , I ca n't bear that kind of thing , but some people enjoy being frightened do n't they ?
21 I have a new wardrobe full of clothes I could n't wear before and fit comfortably into a size 10/12 instead of struggling into a size 14 .
22 ( And yet I remember one morning — when confronted by a preliminary plate of very sour , very cold slices of orange I could not stop a few tears trickling miserably down my cheeks — a gruff voice coming from the other end of the table .
23 Actually , that , childish keen sense of injustice I could n't find anywhere else as strongly depicted , except in Great Expectations .
24 Out of interest I could n't help but notice you book erm
25 For years I could n't catch the bloom on a child or young girl 's cheeks , but more recently I managed to capture this with one stroke of the knife .
26 I do remember fighting to stay balanced on the rock and not managing it , I do remember that when the world came back into focus I could not see out of my left eye .
27 When I was told that I 'd have to share a kitchen and bathroom with strangers I could n't help thinking how this would astound the people at home , how they would snort with laughter at the idea that this could really happen in England , mother of civilization .
28 It was a curious sensation , diving into water I could n't see , but once Robins had led the way , and was treading water in the pool , I followed without any fear .
29 Now my mind was so burdened with problems I could n't even remember what James had said the party was about .
30 I pinned it to the corkboard with a red drawing pin and a light heart , and went upstairs again to change back into jodhpur boots to deal with the terrain and to pick up the map and the compass in case I could n't find the trail .
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