Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Improved coach and car parking has been provided for visitors to both the Cathedral and Provand 's Lordship .
2 Let us however confine this process of differentiation to only the cultural realm .
3 Stirling sent a blistering series of signals to both the Eighth Army and MEHQ which seem to have had some effect .
4 One of the school 's main aims is to raise enough money for a second indoor sports base , which would be of benefit to both the school and the local community .
5 In some cases , where the childhood has been unhappy or deprived , there is no such happy occasion to build upon ; in such instances I start by asking the patient to tell me what he could see as he lay in bed at night — this often brings its own feelings of security to even the unhappiest child .
6 As seen from Fig. 5B , binding of pou[c] to both the ICP4 and Ad2 motifs induce position dependent changes in mobility of the DNA-protein complex indicative of DNA bending .
7 At the other extreme is the voluntary but draconian Dutch ‘ covenant ’ with industry that binds companies to reduce the weight of packaging to below the 1986 level , to end all landfilling and incineration of packaging , and to take back at least 90% of all non-reusable packaging — all by the end of the decade .
8 While the view which I earlier called crude materialism is not compatible with Althusser 's general position , it would be remarkable if he were to relegate the economic aspects of society to exactly the same status as everything else .
9 Such a given behaviour ( innate is the conventional term , but I prefer to avoid it if possible , for it carries along with it a load of redundant ideological baggage ) ensures that appropriate responses are made to particular stimuli without the need for trial-and-error learning , but at the expense of limits to both the range and the flexibility of the response .
10 They crossed the open dusty area of Smithfield to where the hospital of St Bartholomew stood .
11 To meet increasing R&D commitments , WEG now requires a Research Engineer to be involved in the planning and management of research projects , the analysis and interpretation of data , and the reporting of results to both the design team concerned and external clients .
12 In truth , all that can be said is that , in both the Free Presbyterian Church and in the UPV , there were a small number of people ( none of whom were figures of any stature in the Church ) who were prepared to abet others in the commission of crimes to further the aims which the vast majority of people in the Church and UPV wished to see promoted by less violent means .
13 I looked past Robin-Anne to where the moon 's path gleamed on the long waves , and then I glanced forward and saw another belt of silver , but this one diffuse and hazy , showing where the first crepuscular light seeped over the world 's grey edge .
14 And the meeting of the ACTS ' Central Council has recently had a report from its local and regional unity er committee proposing that a network of regional ecumenical teams should be established throughout Scotland to further the cooperation and joint commitment of congregations and church members in each area .
15 This development places extra demands upon the infant 's powers of attention and requires that she co-ordinate her behaviour with respect to both the object and the other person .
16 : As a result of Act 1414/1984 , as construed in the light of Directive 76/207 , that is , in conformity with the wording and the spirit and purpose thereof , the employer is not allowed when announcing a public open competition for the hiring of personnel , to infringe the principle of sex equality with respect to either the means for attracting candidates or the criteria of their assessment .
17 It is flanked on the right by the scullery and on the left by a service lobby with entrances to both the east side pantry and the dining room .
18 The kitchen lobby or service area , with entrances to both the pantry and dining room , has two tables ( wooden to stop the trays sliding ) , a hot plate and , like the scullery , a Minimax fire extinguisher .
19 Within walking distance of bus services and shopping facilities , the property is ideally placed for access to both the City Centre and the Ring Road .
20 An element which is largely missing from both the Marxist and feminist accounts , in contrast to either the conservative- or liberal-historical approaches , is reference to the role of religion in contemporary society .
21 At a press conference after the meeting , Antall emphasised that the declaration did not signal the birth of a new organization in opposition to either the Warsaw Pact or COMECON .
22 Capt. Valentine E. M. Strasser , the 27-year-old junior officer who had become chairman of the National Provisional Ruling Council ( NPRC ) after leading an April coup [ see pp. 38853-4 ; 38900 ] , made a series of changes in July to both the composition and structure of the government .
23 A fall in prices in October to below the International Natural Rubber Organization 's ( INRO ) " may buy " level of 185.00 Malaysian/Singapore cents a kilogramme fuelled speculation that intervention was imminent .
24 The columns of men that splintered from the Kitchen to their huts were first frozen still , then drawn in concert to where the lights were brilliant , where the knees hung between the blackness and the snow .
25 We walked in silence to where the car was waiting .
26 Copyright in relation to both the sound and television signal is vested in the Speaker on behalf of the House , but HOCBUL are licensed to provide the signal to the BBC , ITN , other independent television contractors and other organisations approved by the Committee .
27 As for painting , John Good this month shows Jacqueline Humphries , who has been exploring the notion of the ‘ arrested gesture ’ in relation to both the drip and the grid , from 2 May until 20 June .
28 In relation to both the social environment and the broader environment of care services .
29 In view of the extent of what Markey calls a " browse search " at the catalogue , i.e. , browsing for a shelf number , it may be more valuable to examine the browsing activity in relation to both the retrieval tool and the shelves within the single context of subject searching as a whole .
30 This is in marked contrast to the trend with many other insurers where fixed covers are being imposed on customers in relation to both the type of insurance and the sums to be insured .
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