Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] it was [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For centuries it was part of the richest life support system in the world .
2 Lucie began to look nervously around for fear it was part of an ambush by footpads .
3 After lunch it was time to don the wet suits and to ‘ run the gauntlet ’ .
4 Well , of course , when daylight came and I of course it was midnight see when that happened and early in the morning and er , oh there was a , crowds of people coming .
5 Now , I I could have said that but of course it was Councillor .
6 After the sealing of the Treaty of Nonancourt it was time for Henry II to carry out the promise made at Winchester last September and deal with William and Vulgrin of Angoulême , Aimar of Limoges and the other defeated rebels .
7 We learned that the fuel promised by both Aerad and Bottlang was there , but instead of avgas it was Jet A1 .
8 Jack too felt a painful void — ‘ one remembers his old happy days , especially his puppyhood , with an ache ’ , and for Minto it was grief ‘ as if for a human being ’ .
9 For McAllister it was torture .
10 In part it was geography which made this possible .
11 In effect it was internationalist .
12 In winter it was hell .
13 But in Jaffa it was panic .
14 In London it was afternoon before the furniture van was fully loaded .
15 In fact it was papier-mache on which someone had done a skilful paint job .
16 But in fact it was Flodden which was a significant break in the pattern of cold rather than hot war with England , and after it the Scots simply reverted to their usual distant hostility .
17 I think I was er , I thought I was in love a few times , but erm in retrospect it was lust
18 AFTER all of the excitement of the last two weekends in June it was time to take a break .
19 There can be little doubt that when Richard led his army to Dax it was part of a campaign intended to counter the northward expansion of Aragon .
20 Nicandra looked forward to Sunday mornings when she had a soft-boiled egg for breakfast — on weekdays it was porridge and milk , take it or leave it , sometimes fried bread , the fat not always bacon .
21 " Yes , I suppose for Andrew it was adultery .
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