Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] is [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But the scope for resistance is limited and the all pervasive security network is said to extend to Sunday services where sermons are monitored for hints of dissent .
2 We have moved from a culture largely unchanged from nationalisation to one in which the need for change is accepted and many staff are now use TOP principles automatically ,
3 External pressure for change is seen as mediated through the ‘ micro-politics ’ of school life , a term used to refer to the conflicts and struggles between various interest groups within schools .
4 How do we develop systems that are sensitive to the needs of users as well as the expressed needs of practitioners ? and , How do we maintain the practitioners ' interest when the need for change is identified but managing a planned process of change will take time ?
5 If the application for annulment is made because all the debts and expenses have been paid or secured , at least twenty-one days before the hearing fixed for the application to be heard , the trustee , or the official receiver if no trustee has been appointed , must file a report containing details of the assets and liabilities of the bankrupt , the circumstances leading to the bankruptcy and any other matters thought fit ( r 6.207(2) ) .
6 A candidate for entry is identified because the version in the directory is later than that known to LIFESPAN .
7 If the division of labour between branches is conserved and extended within capitalist economies , it can form the principle of a particular kind of social collectivity which cuts across ‘ class ’ lines and inhibits the formation of class based collectivities .
8 Scaevola replies that , unless the testator is shown to have had other intentions , liability for maintenance is regarded as attaching to acquisition of the sum of money .
9 In contrast , exploitation tends to involve the rapid diminution of resources , often to such an extent that the capacity for renewal is destroyed and optimum returns are short-lived .
10 Practical advice for parents is outlined but there is a high treatment failure rate : the therapeutic relationship may be very important in gaining full co-operation from the parents and a family approach to treatment is often indicated .
11 Must there always be a two-way element , or are there circumstances in which a one-way flow of support is regarded as acceptable and even appropriate ?
12 The second caveat is that even this amount of support is reduced when hypothetical compromises are put to the public .
13 Continuity in subcontracting allows parent companies to diversify the risks of specialization and promotes the exchange of technological information so that the quality of inputs is ensured and delivery schedules guaranteed .
14 Continuity in subcontracting allows parent companies to diversify the risks of specialization and promotes the exchange of technological information so that the quality of inputs is ensured and delivery schedules guaranteed .
15 The next step uses Y1 in ( 6 ) to give W1 = AY1 , and the cycle of operations is repeated until convergence occurs .
16 A simplistic analysis and synthesis of function is pursued and this tends to eliminate the interlocution , the din and the vigour , the extravagances and the variety that casual solutions might offer .
17 Expansion of the work of the Court of Protection is favoured but if this is not thought appropriate then some form of locally accessible tribunal or court to exercise supervision , possibly supplemented by some form of guardianship , is considered desirable .
18 Presumably , this is more likely to happen when a small number of tablets is involved but the poor correlation between medical seriousness of an attempt and suicidal intent ( Fox and Weissman 1975 ) would indicate that this practice should not be encouraged .
19 When the name of a group of fishes is mentioned as going out for a swim all the members walk around the monsters in a circle .
20 A lot of luck is required if a seat is purchased .
21 A sufficient element of damage is shown where expenses are necessarily incurred by the plaintiff in investigating and counteracting the machinations of the defendants .
22 Before mounting and wiring up the panel l.e.d.s , a bit of preparation is needed if the finished job is going to look neat and presentable .
23 All of this is unlikely to present much of a problem to most of the larger operators with their own hygiene and quality control management , although even they will need to ensure that any programme of training and retraining of personnel is controlled and recorded .
24 Similarly , the pre-First World War diction now creates moments of unintentional comedy , as when the figure of Christ says to John , ‘ You must play fair , ’ or when John 's plunge into the pool of faith is described as ‘ he took a header ’ .
25 All this has to be done on my off-duty time , which of course is limited and irregular since I work shifts .
26 Erm I mean one way to do it of course is to say that none of our water 's fit for drinking , and you all get bottled water then would n't you .
27 Under the liability section of all policies , liability arising from the ownership , possession or use of firearms is excluded but this does not apply to shotguns or airguns which may be legally owned without possession of a firearms certificate .
28 During the training phase a corpus of text is taken and investigated to determine the frequencies of transitions between grammatical categories ( e.g. how often is a determiner followed by a noun ) .
29 Experience is learning , but only when the reality of experience is acknowledged and valued .
30 Teachers have found their pupils well able to cope with the frustrations and floundering inherent in mathematical challenge provided it is in a supportive atmosphere or environment , where the process of struggle is viewed as successful in itself .
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