Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] and given [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I have initiated him into the ‘ Secret Doctrine ’ , opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers .
2 According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 661 ) , Wulfhere harried Ashdown in 661 , in which year he is also said to have attacked the Isle of Wight and given it to Aethelwealh , king of the southern Saxons .
3 If we 'd upset his applecart in busting out the hostages , then the radical fundamentalists might easily have taken over in Syria and given us a much worse problem .
4 We 've had times when we 've written to commercials and given them free tickets to dig ourselves out of a hole and things .
5 The pair have taken classic rock songs like Stairway to Heaven and given them their own distinctive treatment .
6 ‘ We have now allocated five new frequencies to BR and given them access to two others . ’
7 She was settled for the night ; Clare had put her to bed and given her a mug of warm milk and two sleeping tablets .
8 Not only had her real mother rejected her at birth and given her away , but worst of all , her adoptive father whom she had loved so much now turned out to be her real father , a cheat and a deceiver .
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