Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] and at [art] " in BNC.

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1 We must first find an initial BFS for TP and at the same time we will generate the parent function defining its corresponding tree .
2 I was just going to say , I was just saying , that I saw the posters that erm parents and carers should erm , go along to talk about parenting and at the bottom it said , erm , will be selling multi-racial toys and dolls and things like that .
3 The local authority , being anxious to place the mother with the children in a mother and baby home with a view to rehabilitation , sought an interim care order relating to both boys and informed the justices that it was their intention to keep the mother and children together for assessment and at the same time protect the children from the father .
4 I was shouting and screaming for help and at the same time taking off my coat and wellingtons , preparing to jump in after her .
5 The example here is for a self-employed professional who charges for time spent on a number of projects and at a variety of rates .
6 Greavesey of course and at the risk of overdosing on goals you can see all the action that mattered from the First Division yesterday .
7 It 's a very effective direct piece of lobbying and at a time when a lot of people who obviously were n't Green Party supporters behind the campaign .
8 Strangely , another sample of water divided in two and analysed both independently at the Glasgow Institute of Biochemistry and at the Water Board 's Dumfries laboratory showed two very different results .
9 He also argues that the increasing fragmentation and differentiation of the rationalized lifeworld of modernity both takes the place of ideology and at the same time makes it difficult to sustain :
10 Language orders the world of perception and at the same time constitutes a knowing subject that perceives and yet is distinguished from that world .
11 The House will appreciate that the Government provide funds for green form legal aid and for the United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service , a body which represents refugee applicants at the initial process of determination and at the tribunal hearing .
12 Look critically at your environment , at your home and place of work and at the halls or rooms where you may have to attend meetings .
13 How can the right hon. Gentleman stand at the Dispatch Box and seek to justify the untrammelled entry of coal imports into Britain , which is flinging thousands of miners out of work and at the same time digging a hole for the economic morass in our balance of payments ?
14 The recession has made it take a hard look at the cost of law and at the attitude of big London firms that it 's used for more than fifty years .
15 On this basis , it can be suggested that the two mathematical educational subcultures existed both at the level of ideas and at the level of social relations .
16 The house was built by T.H. March ( the then American Consul ) who was an avid collector of plants and at the beginning of this century it was the home of Dr Herbert Watney , a great horticulturist .
17 How could she produce anything that bore the stamp of continuity and at the same time managed to be fresh and original ?
18 Members of Council were W. F. Barrett , a physics professor from Dublin ; Oliver Lodge , then at Liverpool ( another physicist ) ; A. Macalister , the Professor of Anatomy at Cambridge ; and J. J. Thomson , also of Cambridge and at the beginning of an exceedingly distinguished career in physics .
19 The recipes in the Walking Diet are easy to follow and quickly prepared , so that even the busiest people have a chance to cook mouth-watering food that is full of goodness and at the same time is low in fat .
20 In terms of Weber 's call for adequacy both at the level of meaning and at the causal level , there is argument at both levels , which , of course , much complicates questions of how to relate them to each other .
21 That is what Weber bids us do , when declaring that the final account must be adequate both at the level of meaning and at the causal level .
22 In verses 5 and 6 Peter makes direct reference to the flood of judgment which came upon the earth in the days of Noah and at the end of the preceding verse 4 he writes of how the scoffers will say that ‘ all things continue as they were from the beginning of the CREATION . ’
23 The three novels chart an attempt to develop linguistic techniques which represent the current state of affairs and at the same time challenge it by enlisting subversive laughter as a tool to destabilize fixed systems and tear away their protective layers of discursive convention .
24 But it is clear that the data collected in close investigations of live speech communities are much richer than the data preserved from early language states , and they are observable in a larger number of dimensions and at a much finer level of detail ; thus , the patterns revealed in systematic investigations of live communities appear to the observer as much more variable and multidimensional than historical patterns ( as these are usually reported ) .
25 In 1920 it routed a Polish army to the suburbs of Warsaw and at the end of the following year launched an invasion of the Menshevik Republic of Georgia after its government had quelled an internal Bolshevik uprising .
26 Anna Cheyne studied painting and sculpture at Kingston School of Art and at the Slade School of Fine Art , London .
27 Northern blot analysis of pou [ c ] expression at 3 , 10 , 16 , 24 and 33 hours of development and at the hatching stage ( lanes 1–6 ) .
28 The Company 's ‘ SoutherN ’ fleet of open top K type buses was now outdated and in urgent need of replacement and at a Board Meeting of the UndergrounD Group , it was decided that SoutherN fleet should be liquidated and in their place , ten more buses of a modern type be added to the bus subsidiary of the Metropolitan Electric Tramways .
29 Take a sheet of paper and at the top write the decision at issue .
30 The case reached the House of Lords and at every hearing the plaintiff succeeded .
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