Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] of [noun sg] a " in BNC.

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1 For peace of mind a combination of both types of bacterial filtration is recommended .
2 If the x coins of year a were made , for example , a hundred years before the 2x coins of year b , it would be unwise to conclude that twice as many coins were made in year b , since to do so would take no account of the gradual wastage or erosion of coins of year a from circulation ( by accidental loss , hoarding , export of coinage , melting down , etc . ) .
3 Where persons set out deliberately to prevent others from conducting perfectly lawful business , they do the cause of freedom of speech a disservice .
4 It is the ratio of the number of moles of gas a to the total number of moles of gas present .
5 Until there is a change in the law , charity shops will continue to lose thousands of pounds of income a week because they ca n't sell most of the toys donated to them .
6 Sharpness on the Severn estuary normally handles hundreds of ships and thousands of tons of cargo a year , but that all stopped at lunchtime when the dockers walked out .
7 In historical periods a loss factor of about 2 per cent per annum is known to have occurred ; compounded over a period of as long as a century , this will clearly drastically reduce the amount of coinage of year a available to the hoarder at the later date .
8 Out of 18,000km of cable a mere 5000km — less than one third — were in working order .
9 During the normal working day the demands on system resources will be those generated by the use of copies of Oedipus ( for ease of management a single copy of the code is maintained on disk ) .
10 It is a well-known maxim of construction that in case of ambiguity a contract is construed contra proferentem .
11 In cases of doubt a bone marrow aspirate , which is the best guide to body iron stores , should be examined .
12 It is often the case that when all is going well in life , tackling a heavy job can seem a treat , whereas in times of stress a dirty footprint on a new-washed floor is the last straw .
13 But in times of uncertainty a clear division of black and white seems comforting .
14 Chekhov said : ’ In search of truth a man takes two steps forward and one step back .
15 In Dogs of War a Cockney extra gave me
16 In the intermediate range of these factors , chaining or tagging records stored in the prime file area is the most efficient solution , while at packing densities in excess of unity a separate overflow area will be required .
17 Setting aside the physical hardware , in terms of power a Macintosh performs roughly the same as a PC/AT , there are other fundamental differences between the two systems .
18 Also that you used the vehicle without insurance being in force in respect of third party risks in contravention of section a hundred and forty three of the Road Traffic Act .
19 There we read in line seven of the desirability of retaining a bilateral contact between our two churches on matters of doctrine a desire express , I 'm glad to note , by our Roman Catholic friends and that 's good .
20 In patients without evidence of nephropathy a similar diet and drug regimen can be used and , if there are features of nephropathy , the inexorable decline of renal function may be slowed by good control of hypertension ( Mogensen , 1982 ; Parving et al , 1983 ) .
21 For Antarctic waters El-Sayed and Weber ( 1986 ) reported that up to 70% of chlorophyll a in the water column was contained in particles smaller than l um .
22 The argument put forward by the member states mentioned above is tantamount to seeking to graft on to the derogation from the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality a second derogation as regards fishing vessels relating to the nationality of the owners or operators of such vessels .
23 I suspect that for length of service a few others like Sir Alastair Burnet , Mike Neville and Stuart Hall run me pretty close .
24 At moments of crisis a nation needs a leader able to lead in the way Margaret Thatcher led then .
25 By process of elimination a further group intermediate between these and the smaller freeholders can be inferred , men owning personal estate worth £10 — £99 , such as larger tenant farmers , provincial merchants and so forth .
26 Nevertheless , in seeking to build by means of perestroika a political system within which various interests could be harmonized , the CPSU was also a " political organization of the entire people " .
27 Inside the ark were the tablets of the law — the supreme verbal statement of God 's holiness ( 26:16 ) ; at one and the same time the reason why God dwelt alone ( for none can match his holiness ) , and why by means of blood a sinner might enter his presence ( for the blood speaks of life laid down in payment for sin ) .
28 O If the buyer pays by way of deposit a sum less than 10% of the purchase price then in the event of the seller becoming entitled to forfeit the deposit under the terms hereof the buyer shall forthwith pay to the seller or the seller 's conveyancer a sum equal to the difference between the deposit already paid and 10% of the total purchase price .
29 By way of illustration a factor of 10,000 indicates that one cubic metre of odorous gas as sampled will require 10,000 cubic metres of clean air to reduce it to a level where the ‘ average , , nose will not detect it .
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