Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [am/are] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 It is important to consider the institutional framework regulating relationships between employer and unions , since this will influence the way in which external political pressures for change are carried into the corporation .
2 THE sun 's out and hundreds of Merseysiders are flocking into their gardens for a good old barbie .
3 Normally covered by a fold of skin , these spurs can be erected if the animal is caught and , with a sudden jab of the hind legs , the sharp points of spurs are stabbed into the attacker 's flesh .
4 A very wide variety of cases are received into care under this section .
5 Schattschneider argues that certain types of groups are organised into politics and others are organised out of it' .
6 As the fuel is burnt-up , nuclei of uranium are converted into plutonium 239 .
7 In Scotland , actions for payment of money are divided into three categories :
8 Identifying those themes is primarily a lateral or intuitive process — bits of data are collected into a theme .
9 The sequences of co-ordinates are transformed into vector chain codes ( Freeman , 1961 ) whereby changes of direction in the strokes of the pen are converted into a numbered code .
10 Hundreds of thousands of refugees are packed into over-crowded towns and villages .
11 Thus ensuring all items of work are taken into account , and none are overlooked or forgotten .
12 Thus When these standard molar enthalpies of formation are put into equation ( 11 ) we obtain On rearrangement this equation becomes Thus , the standard molar enthalpy change for step B2 can be calculated from the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the reactants and products .
13 EXPORT optimism is continuing to grow among British producers , providing further evidence that the planks of recovery are falling into place .
14 Trouble is once a directive hits Whitehall bevies of officials are stirred into action , taking time and effort to interpret and rewrite the directive .
15 Once the needle has entered the relevant space , several drops of CSF are collected into small bottles , which are sent to the laboratory for analysis .
16 But when the reduction in building , the sale of council houses , the introduction of HATs and the transfer of tenancies are taken into account , the diminution does not seem particularly gradual .
17 Assumptions about the nature and structure of knowledge are built into the language of higher education policy , the statistics of higher education , the structure of institutions , the identity of academic professions , the planning of courses , and the methods and styles of teaching and learning .
18 It is surely nothing to celebrate when sociolinguistic descriptions of behaviour are turned into folklinguistic prescriptions about ( women 's ) behaviour ; but given the realities of history and power it is also nothing to be surprised about .
19 Each year , from the surface of the ocean alone , 300 000 cubic kilometres of water are lifted into the atmosphere by evaporation .
20 In the " fingerprinting " technique developed at the university 's Industrial Ecology Research Centre , concentrations of congeners are separated into 92 types .
21 I will elaborate on the point that I made about the disruption that may be caused when additional tens of thousands of people are brought into the area , if the development at King 's Cross goes ahead .
22 Yet it is at least arguable that different kinds of people are attracted into different kinds of subjects .
23 For many people in Britain , ethnic relations means immigration and the apparent belief that large numbers of people are pouring into the country and making it overcrowded .
24 This requires a detached intellectual process to illuminate how the culture is constructed and how modes of thought are translated into organized beliefs and action .
25 For here is played the parable of predestination , here the inherent changes and chances of life are put into focus .
26 It is sometimes hard to recognise how much issues of gender are embedded into residential care .
27 The result , reported last summer corresponds to a lifetime of about 10 31 years , once the observing time and total number of protons are taken into account .
28 It is important , also , that user and carer definitions of what factors contribute to the quality of their lives and levels of risk are incorporated into the process .
29 But on the other hand , the statute will also include a clear intention that extended rights of audience are put into practical effect as soon as the necessary conditions have been met .
30 Anderson and Roberts can perhaps be seen as offering us different facets of essentially a similar situation , where feelings of affection and concepts of duty are taken into calculations about mutual advantage based on material considerations .
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