Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [that] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 She did n't feel pain , only a small burst of pleasure that intensified as he then licked her reddened skin .
2 I have formally to decline such offers and shame on the correspondent who said that he had a pair of longjohns that flashed as he took them off and I was welcome to observe the spectacle at any time .
3 As Pooley ( 1987 ) discusses , bacterial leaching is relevant to the recovery of metals that occur as sulphide ores and it involves the oxidation of sulphides to sulphates that are more soluble , providing solutions from which the metals can be more easily extracted .
4 Seconds later they were engulfed in a seething torrent of water that appeared as though by magic .
5 The tower itself is a tapering rectangular pylon capped by a line of corbels that look as though they should support a belfry .
6 The little knots of people that formed as usual outside the church after Mass was over and the bells were tumbling out their soft dismissal song had plenty to discuss .
7 The general loved watching her ; she was totally insatiable , yet capable of multi-orgasms that lasted as long as she was making love .
8 Mortality rates among the adult working population parallel the progressive incidence of illness that occurs as one moves down the social hierarchy .
9 The roots of this war lie in Yugoslav history ( though not as deep as some claim ) , in the frailty of Tito 's state and in three distinct sorts of nationalism that sprouted as his odd form of communism collapsed .
10 They walked through a dapple of sunlight that shifted as the breeze shifted the leaves .
11 He was wearing a disreputable pair of jeans that looked as though they 'd never seen an iron , and a grey shirt , the sleeves rolled back as if it were summer .
12 Peaceful , mellow and noble , in the shade of a great sycamore , it is the sort of house that feels as though it has been there from time immemorial .
13 For example , the probable universal existence of tag-questions ( under a functional definition ) can perhaps be related to the universal operation of rules of turn-taking that allow as one option the ending of current speaker 's turn by a selection of a next speaker .
14 Firstly , read Practical Running this month which is jam-packed with advice that starts as soon as you cross the line .
15 Kylie is an approachable star but with glamour that grows as she becomes more famous .
16 They withdrew down a gulley to the beach under fire that intensified as they remained below the cliffs , a sea mist shrouding their signals to the landing craft .
17 Often the change in relationship that occurs as the parents work on the initial problem areas will generalize to other times of the day as the parent gains confidence and authority .
18 In consequence there are no autumn colours to be viewed in surroundings that look as though there should be — no golds and flaming reds to set off the whites , blues and blacks of snow , water and rock .
19 We can take consolation in some of the excellent shows which are still playing , in venues that have as yet ( fingers crossed ) escaped the IRA 's attentions .
20 The functions of the Advisory Committee will be to advise on questions that arise as to what qualifications are necessary for providing legal services connected with litigation and what requirements are necessary to ensure proper standards of conduct .
21 In part this is a consequence of differences in the habitual requirements of different species ; more than 82 per cent of the individuals belong to species whose larvae prey on aphids , whereas only 0–02 per cent belong to species that feed as larvae on tree sap or rotting wood , neither of which are a feature of gardens .
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