Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [v-ing] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 If , on the other hand , it never occurred to the defendant that the victim was young or mentally abnormal , and he was not aware therefore that he was in a situation of potential risk , he should not be liable for rape providing that he took reasonable steps to ascertain that she did agree to vaginal penetration , for in such a case his conduct is reasonable in the light of the facts as he perceived them to be .
2 ‘ Mr O'Hare came to me a number of times complaining that he was being pestered .
3 She was n't aware of Piers approaching until he cast a shadow over her , and she sat up , this time not bothering to wrap her beach-robe around her .
4 MORRISSEY left thousands of fans fuming after he pulled out of Sunday 's Madness reunion concert .
5 Hippolytus composed a strange book entitled the Refutation arguing the dependence of a row of Gnostic sects upon a row of pagan philosophers , and finally turning his weapons on Callistus , who seemed to him the abomination of desolation sitting where he ought not .
6 Charges against the Marquis of Blandford alleging that he assaulted two policemen have been dropped .
7 In the distance he could hear the sound of water dripping and he kept a look out for puddles , holes , fallen beams or any other dangers that might be around the next corner .
8 ‘ I can not participate in necromancy , Dauntless said in a tone of voice indicating that he would not be persuaded otherwise .
9 Despite further negative publicity while in prison Barry had emerged from his period of incarceration claiming that he had undergone a religious rebirth .
10 Despite the unpopularity of politicians , John Major is considered one of the best of the political bunch , with 67% agreeing that he is doing a good job as Prime Minister , housewives , particularly , approve of his performance ( 74% ) , which should raise his confidence for the election .
11 Although Mr Morris will spend a lot of time in the chair presiding over debates … with custom dictating that he will no longer vote or speak in the chamber … his new duties go far beyond that .
12 Although Mr Morris will spend a lot of time in the chair presiding over debates … with custom dictating that he will no longer vote or speak in the chamber … his new duties go far beyond that .
13 He was left out while the first team travelled to Blackburn with speculation mounting that he was as much as 6lb too heavy .
14 He rubs it absently , accosting strangers in the street , seeking out a friend and within minutes exclaiming that he wants to be by himself , watching children wistfully , accusing wellwishers of persecuting him with their kindness ; until at last he explodes on the brink of confession in a terrible universal cry : ‘ Oh , if only I were alone and nobody loved me , and if only I had never loved anyone ! ’
15 Our MP Mr Ken Hind ( Conservative , West Lancs ) wrote to people in Scarisbrick saying that he has pushed the Department of Transport into accepting the need for a bypass between Ormskirk and Southport .
16 We think back to the antihero of Notes from Underground lamenting that he ca n't even call himself a lazy man , and we think sideways to Svidrigailov : ‘ Believe me , if only I were something ; a landowner , say , or a father , a cavalry officer , a photographer , a journalist say — but I 'm nothing , I 've no speciality . ’
17 ‘ If a person with knowledge of the facts pays money , which he is not in law bound to pay , and in circumstances implying that he is paying it voluntarily to close the transaction , he can not recover it .
18 However , if he happens also to run a business and sells one of the cars in circumstances suggesting that he is selling it in the course of that business , then he is likely to be regarded as doing just that , Southwark London Borough v. Charlesworth ( paragraph 9–20 above ) .
19 Chris had written a letter to Tina Jelly in Aldershot saying that he still loved her and missed her a lot , but was sure that until he came home she would be able to go out with his mates from the Royal Signals .
20 He 's hiding out from police questioning until he 's sure where he stands .
21 Nigel will be just as safe in IndyCar racing as he has been in Formula One , if not safer . ’
22 Emile Littler was a much younger producer of rival pantomimes ; feeling more than a little disloyal , Mr Smith wrote to him in desperation suggesting that he might be interested in his dancers .
23 On the teletext today it had a few words from Fergie saying that he reckoned that the no. of points they need to win the league is 84 .
24 His adventures concluded he retires to Dulwich saying that he will never regret those two years , with their ‘ scenes of which I had no previous conception ’ leading to ‘ the enlargement of my mind ’ , PP passim .
25 Hodge recognised that his position had become untenable and wrote to MacArthur proposing that he be replaced within six to eight weeks .
26 In 1893 he extended his theatrical pursuits well beyond dance arranging when he became producer of the summer season show at the Palace Theatre , Isle of Man .
27 The problem with the Minister 's logic is that his colleague , the other Under-Secretary of State for Employment , the hon. Member for Wantage ( Mr. Jackson ) has recently gone on record saying that he believes that women should have pay parity with men in accordance with the law .
28 One evening when they were coming back from the hunt , he pretended to be someone else and , all alone , jumped on Albuin pretending that he was going to steal by violence the horse Albuin was mounted on .
29 Newton wrote to Locke saying that he had ‘ received a visit from a certain Divine of monstrous and Toad-like appearance .
30 She says one boy has gone back to bed wetting because he 's so worried .
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