Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb past] [prep] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Member for Honiton talked as if there were a great wave of support for the view that he and others advocate on this matter .
2 The reunification of Russia coincided with and helped to sustain a century of relative prosperity which lasted into the 1560s .
3 Visiting women from other countries struggling under the yoke of imperialism spoke to and advised us .
4 The working-class wives of early eighteenth-century London earned from charring , laundry , nursing , making and mending clothes , hawking , silk-winding and in the catering and victualling services : The great majority of women were unable to work in male trades and , since nearly three quarters of women wanted to or had to work for a living , they necessarily competed intensely for the work which was left , much of it of a casual nature and none of it organised by gilds and livery companies .
5 I never understood where all these squares of material came from because the demand was enormous ; to meet it the Madonna 's dress would have had to be changed almost every week .
6 Fragments of slate appeared as if by magic on the lawn .
7 Science has held out the promise of giving the answer to ‘ life , the universe and everything ’ ever since ancient Greeks like Aristotle pondered on whether the earth was round or flat .
8 A commission of magistrates and theologians from the University of Louvain was appointed to examine him in a long-drawn-out process in which translations of his heretical works were prepared by Philips ; written charges and rebuttals in Latin passed to and fro between the Commission and Tyndale , followed by oral examinations .
9 ‘ A major debate at the Edinburgh Television Festival in October centred on whether C4 would be able to sustain a diversity of programming ‘ not generally catered for by Channel Three ’ ( Broadcasting Act 1990 ) under the new commercial conditions .
10 Full provision is to be made for potential warranty claims and credit notes relating to sales made on or before the balance sheet date .
11 His lands are seized and the monks at Glastonbury bullied as if they are the inmates of some prison . ’
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