Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adv] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Will the Minister assure the House that empty houses will be handed over to local councils or housing associations for rent either to redundant service men or to others ?
2 A perusal of street guides for areas close to active and disused airfields has produced a rich crop of them , ranging from aircraft names to personalities .
3 York is of course home to one of Britain 's oldest and best racecourses and this year there is more than £2 million prize money at stake during the various meetings .
4 Fish explained his decision to run his own recording studio ; ‘ I got tired of giving a lot of money away to other studios and being away from my family and Scotland .
5 Oh I think a fact , I think its a fact two thousand pounds is a lot of money even to some body that 's relative , you know
6 One Home has had great success with an art therapist who came over to take classes , combining residents from a number of Homes close to each other .
7 I know Mother traded with him from time to time , and once sent a quantity of wool away to another mill and had some back as grey blankets .
8 Mr Antonis is having a hard time getting his message of openness across to all the citizens of Antwerp .
9 Not all cases , then , limited the jurists to advancing interpretations of trusts parallel to those of legacies , since trusts were not bound by all civil-law constraints .
10 These digital data will now be of benefit both to further mineral exploration work in that area , and to the East Grampians mapping project .
11 Some report that at the beginning of the journey south , the party stayed at the little village of Cagnes-sur-Mer close to Nice .
12 For example , questions of relevance only to married women can be prefaced by a general question about marital status followed by an instruction for those who have answered in a particular way to move to the relevant subset .
13 Psychology confines its accounts of socialization largely to interpersonal interactions , and , in the 1960s , concentrated on the primary carer .
14 In Scandinavia the root used to be eaten as bread , and the strongly flavoured seeds had all sorts of applications especially to alcoholic drinks .
15 Despite some disappointments , the general progress of science was by this time undoubted , and a source of pride even to those not connected with it .
16 This had been the basic premise of a proposal made in late August by the Netherlands ( holder of the presidency of the Council of Ministers in the second half of 1991 ) specifying four conditions for economic convergence : ( i ) a high degree of price stability , indicated by a level of inflation close to that of the best-performing state for a two-year period ; ( ii ) a sustainable government financial position , indicated by budget deficits deemed not to be excessive ; ( iii ) currency within the 2.5 per cent fluctuation margins of the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European Monetary System for at least two years without devaluation against other member state 's currency ; and ( iv ) a close approximation of comparable interest rates to those member states with the best performance in terms of price stability .
17 A liberal- democratic constitution , with the danger of " class legislation " ( the phrase used to voice the fear of a working-class takeover through the ballot box ) and an intrusion into the rights of property through the more direct , participatory , and collective democracy of a mandated House of Commons of delegates close to working-class constituencies , seemed to be quite another .
18 The aim is to bring the generating costs of breeders closer to those of the traditional light-water reactor .
19 Another factor that may bring the position of managers closer to that of the shareholders is the use of performance-related pay and share option schemes .
20 In Karnataka at least 16 people , mostly Tamils , were reported killed in violent incidents on Dec. 11-13 after the Cauvary [ River ] Water Dispute Tribunal ordered the state to allocate a significant amount of water annually to Tamil Nadu .
21 You know , I mean we revert a lot of trade here to next day , so the quality of service has got to be good or we lose them .
22 No , Stephanie thought later , it had been no more and no less than could have been hoped : a reasonable coming together of people close to each other , not by choice , reluctant in many cases .
23 I mean I must say it looks a bit bitty but erm er now you see up there they 've got the same , similar sort of style really to those houses .
24 The mechanism has been a rapid rise in share prices and a trebling in urban-property prices , which in turn have boosted consumption , revved up BMW sales and , for top-notch manufacturers and banks , reduced the cost of capital virtually to zero .
25 Accordingly , he has argued , it should be of concern only to those involved in the respective private sector transactions .
26 As the build-up to the pending general election got under way , the position of the leader of the Liberal Democrats , Paddy Ashdown , came under scrutiny when on Feb. 5 he made a statement acknowledging that some years earlier he had had a " brief relationship " with a woman ( identified as Patricia Sullivan , now known under the name Howard ) ; he stressed , however , that this " should have remained a private and personal matter of concern only to those involved " .
27 SPORTING blue berets and Uzi submachineguns as they hurtle along in their spanking new vehicles , 1,000 Italian soldiers have started to patrol the 300-kilometre ( 190-mile ) road that runs from the Mozambican port of Beira westward to landlocked Zimbabwe .
28 The House of Lords found that there was no duty of care either to existing shareholders or to potential investors .
29 ft. unit is the 175th branch to open in the country , bringing the total number of stores worldwide to 750 .
30 It was taken for granted that the introduction of women generally to any trade carried the risk of lowering wages ; basically because as we have seen , the wages paid for " women 's work " were so low .
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