Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] even the " in BNC.

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1 When we are so ill that we have to stay in bed and be looked after , we are driven back even further into unconscious memories of having to call or cry for help for even the simplest needs .
2 As the abrasive words poured into her ears , he was moving her against an ornamental lacquerwork cabinet of hip height and bending her backwards , a hand dealing with the intricacies of her bustier with a sure skill that bore witness to a wealth of experience with even the most esoteric of feminine garments .
3 Where space is particularly limited sliding mirrored doors prove very popular as they automatically create an illusion of spaciousness in even the smallest of rooms .
4 In some cases , where the childhood has been unhappy or deprived , there is no such happy occasion to build upon ; in such instances I start by asking the patient to tell me what he could see as he lay in bed at night — this often brings its own feelings of security to even the unhappiest child .
5 To assess such a claim requires that we make a giant leap of the imagination to transport us to a state of ignorance about even the most elementary principles of physics .
6 The totality of the way of life of even the simplest sort of human society is exceedingly complex .
7 Meanwhile the house in Brisbane became a household of women with even the married sisters returning for a while .
8 A Ministry of Housing and Local Government enquiry into the Deeplish district of Rochdale ( 1966 ) indicated a surprising level of satisfaction with even the poorest houses .
9 ‘ Unpolluted ’ precipitation is commonly assumed to have a pH value of 5.6 ( or 5.65 ) , although in reality the pH of precipitation in even the most remote areas of the world is typically lower than this , averaging around 5.0 .
10 There is the danger that it will verge on unmixed eulogy , a veritable paean of praise , owing to an embarrassing lack of material for even the mildest fault-finding that might serve to give it an edge .
11 Four very different styles of miniature picture are displayed in this photograph , proving that there is plenty of scope for inspiration in even the smallest of designs .
12 Those who heard him lecture remarked on the way he seized on and illustrated the most interesting parts of his subject , so that he was intelligible to the novice and listened to with pleasure by even the best informed , generally leading his class unresistingly to the desired conclusion .
13 Life on Tour can be filled with anguish for even the most experienced and successful players .
14 With a decent sleeping bag , a night under canvas in even the bleakest of winters is cosy and restful .
15 It was entirely within range of even the smaller cannon left in the castle , although depressing the muzzles sufficiently downwards would mean that only the far side of the ford would be bombardable .
16 The company 's prime concern is that when the collection is launched it is utterly free from criticism by even the most rigorous green scientists .
17 She had , of late , felt herself uncannily able to predict the next word , the next move , in any dialogue : she could hear and take in three conversations at once : she could see remotely as through a two-way mirror the private lives of her patients , sometimes of her friends : she had felt reality to be revealed to her at times in flashes beyond even the possibility of rational calculation : had felt in danger ( why danger ? ) of too much knowledge , of a kind of powerlessness and sadness that is born of knowledge : for these reasons , perhaps , was it that she had decided to multiply the possibilities so recklessly , to construct a situation beyond her own grasping ?
18 More than 3,000 tonnes of anchor chain will be piled into the seabed to keep the ship in position during even the most severe gales encountered in the North Sea .
19 The principal claim to greatness of even the popes themselves , before the mid-eleventh century , lay in their conduct as bishops of Rome , building churches , organizing poor relief , and resisting the attempts of every tinpot contender for the empire to dominate the city and its people .
20 Spencer Stuart 's business in London and Manchester owes much of its success to its Britishness , to the fact that its consultants are at home in even the most conservative Boardrooms ; the firm works in direct contrast to the style apparently adopted by Korn/Ferry , for instance .
21 I think that he , who could have had as many friends as he wished , never realized how much it meant to a lonely and friendless person to have a friend , to be seen walking with him in the rose-red streets of Salamanca , to be able to go to a concert or an art museum with him , to have him opposite me at dinner in even the meanest , cheapest restaurant .
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