Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [be] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1886 J. Wooten , a labourer of Wolverton was coming to his work from Old Bradwell before 6.00 am on the morning of 8 January , during a heavy snow storm .
2 Whatever the newspapers said at the time , we knew where every penny of revenue was coming from and every penny of expenditure was going .
3 At that period of the nineteenth century when the discipline of anthropology was coming into being , material culture studies represented the very core of this emergent social science ( e.g. Haddon 1895 ; Tylor 1881 ) .
4 The lion 's share of both forms of help was to come from Saudi Arabia .
5 I hope councillor has n't been puzzling about this question because I think she should have had adequate warning erm the cycling part of working party was agreed by city board on the ninth of on the seventh of December is to come to an end and such work has er relates to cycling within a new transport working party .
6 Even as she said it , Lisa was asking herself where on earth this display of indignation was coming from .
7 More cases of abuse are coming to light , and children have to be protected ; some children have to be rescued from the living hell they have to endure .
8 mainly Particularly aimed at employment officers cos that was where the lack of confidence was coming from .
9 Group environmental manager Jon Lawrence said : ‘ Due to increasing legislation , the management of waste is coming under stricter control with pressure being borne directly on waste producers to get their house in order .
10 Malos also said social workers needed to realise children were indirect victims of domestic violence : ‘ A lot of evidence is coming to light about the effects of domestic violence on children even if they are not the objects of the violence . ’
11 Signals of compromise are coming from the tepee .
12 New limits on the speed of lorries are coming from both Britains Parliament and the European Community .
13 All that weight of water 's coming through all the time .
14 First people have to start hiding from themselves , because that is where the hardest and most persistent voice of criticism is coming from .
15 Well no , you see erm across where actually Songs of Praise is coming from this evening
16 Shoals of people were coming up the drive from the west gate — Cameron recognized faces that he knew from the sawmill at Kenmore .
17 I simply ca n't stand whizz-kid City high-flyers who think of nothing but profit and loss accounts and their latest seven-series BMW and where their next magnum of Bollinger is coming from ! ’
18 He was engulfed once more in an indescribable peace , and knew again , as he had known at dawn on the outskirts of Zweeloo , that he belonged to life , that the primal desire of man is to come into being , to achieve this peace .
19 A cold draught of air was coming from the kitchen and I found the back door to be wide open — and then my horrified glance fell upon Aunt Louise .
20 At first I heard only a few calls ; within ten minutes , at least twice as many animals were calling , and , by circling about the pool , I observed that a steady stream of spadefoots was coming from all directions to the breeding area .
21 A small group of men were coming down the path .
22 This is hardly surprising since one of the major activities of childhood is coming to terms with emotions , managing emotions , and establishing to what extent our own society , community , or family finds the display of emotions acceptable .
23 It can be a very uncomfortable thing , but part of showbusiness is coming to terms with performance , even if you 're performing in front of the camera .
24 At the turn of the century other ideas later to be seen as part of algebra were coming from the pen of Carl Friedrich Gauss , one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived .
25 Just now however , a different species from eastern United States of America is coming into flower .
26 A vast amount of drugs are coming into Europe from north Africa , from central Asia through the Balkans , and from South America .
27 His navigational skills were required at Rió Grande and it was then he painted his Learjet with the name Ángel de Muerte , on both sides , so that on the radio beamed to the English they could say the Ángel of Death was coming with his French missiles loaded to kill . ’
28 All told , some 10-15% of the foreign capital going into China is coming from ASEAN countries .
29 One of the guerrillas invites him to drink wine , and in no time he is completely drunk , and has told them that some lorries loaded with ammunition are coming up the road , to help in the campaign to wipe out the guerrillas .
30 These friends from up north are coming for the weekend , so we 're going out for the weekend
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