Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [be] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Floyd 's Algorithm works with the adjacency matrix representation of G. For convenience , let us assume that the vertex set of G is so that G is represented by a variable A of type
2 The original conception of review is indeed that set out above .
3 The strength of scepticism is not that it can be argued consistently but that it can be used effectively against unwarranted dogmatism .
4 The defence of formalism is always that it serves to control an excess of feeling , but here in the absence of formalism there is nothing but empty pathos , artificiality in its weak form .
5 ‘ A crucial problem in the law of rape is precisely that it focuses unswervingly upon the non-consent of the complainant .
6 The ultimate justification of punishment is not that it is a deterrent , but that it is the emphatic denunciation by the community of a crime .
7 The other problem with the concept of consent is simply that it is susceptible of very weak and even negative interpretations .
8 The interest of UE is simply that it follows Gaius , and keeps to the basic wordings .
9 The assumption here is that ‘ when [ a driver ] happens to feel subjective risk or fear he often tends immediately to eliminate this feeling by certain behavioural changes ’ ( Summala , 1976 , p.239 ) , a major cause of accidents is thus that drivers have too high a ‘ subjective risk threshold ’ .
10 An alternative explanation for the general enhancement of performance is simply that the subject populations differ between the studies .
11 Presumably some patrol ship on the high seas might log messages in this way , but it is clear that , as humans , our experience of utterances is not that we have recorded in memory a list of utterances to which are attached standard tags specifying time and place in these terms .
12 The most plausible explanation of the demand for the law of Winchester is probably that the rebels accepted the 1285 Statute of Winchester , which could be interpreted as giving all adult males the right to bear arms .
13 The ideal source of information is therefore that collected prospectively , that is , from subjects in their childhood who are then followed up and re-interviewed many years later .
14 Often this criticism is less than coherent , and it sometimes seems that a principal reason for the volume of protest is simply that rates are an unusually transparent tax ; there are few other cases where individuals are personally and directly responsible for making payments ’ .
15 The most complete atlas of mechanical properties of polymers is still that by McCrum , Read & Williams ( 1967 ) .
16 He was certainly not purporting to compile a representative list of ‘ extra-hazardous ’ activities — though one of the fundamental problems about Rylands v. Fletcher is perhaps that the law has never made up its mind whether the rule is aimed at such activities .
17 The problem with capitalism was not that it would fall , but that it would continue its remarkable success in raising real output and real consumption per capita , which in turn would have the effects of undermining those very social institutions on which its success depended , and creating a civilisation hostile to its continued existence .
18 The trouble with Cabinet was not that Harold ran it through little cabals , but that there was no focal point of decision-making at all .
19 The rationale for UDCs is presumably that the scale of urban decline necessitates the creation of independent , centrally-appointed development agencies that are free from the apparent constraints of local government .
20 This work was led by Williams { 38 , 39 } and Guckenheimer { 14 , 17 } , though the range of parameter values in question was actually that studied by Lorenz in his original paper .
21 " Because the Children 's Act in Scotland is just that bit different to England . "
22 And we must remember our interest in Livesey is only that he might give us a lead to the young girl 's killer . ’
23 Stradling writes , " Until comparatively recently the prevailing view on political education in England was either that it was already adequately taken care of through History , Geography , Social or General Studies or that it was a wholly unsuitable subject for the school curriculum . "
24 The reason why we do not notice surface tensions in solids is not that the surface tensions are weak but rather that solids are too rigid to be visibly distorted by them .
25 What distinguishes the British Constitution from others is not that it is unwritten , but rather that it is part-written and uncodified .
26 Mr John Lamidey , an officer of the Data Protection Registrar , concluded after visiting the league 's London office that the data on computer was not that used for vetting , which ‘ appears to be held on paper ’ .
27 The greater benefit of the computer to statisticians is therefore that it does not become ‘ bored ’ by a large number of simple tasks .
28 The conclusion on predators is therefore that they have minimal effects on small mammal populations when numbers are high , that they have no braking effect when numbers are increasing , that they may have some effect when numbers are declining , but their major effect is when numbers are low , when they may also delay the recovery phase of the population cycle ( Southern , 1979 ) .
29 What is most damaging to Christianity is not that Christians doubt but that there seems to be so little open discussion and understanding of doubt .
30 The traditional justification for lower wages for women was always that they were not responsible for the livelihood of a household .
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